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朱元璋是明代的开国皇帝,出身低贱,曾放过牛,当过和尚。当了皇帝后,他最忌讳提起这些。一天,当年和他一起砍柴的两个穷朋友去投靠他,想谋个一官半职。为了与皇帝套近乎,其中一个满脸堆笑,抢先说道:“你记得我们一起割草的日子吗?我们偷了许多蚕豆放在瓦罐中煮。没等豆子煮熟,你 The emperor was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, born cheap, had let cattle, had been a monk. When the emperor, he most taboo to mention these. One day, the two poor friends who cut firewood with him went to join him and wanted to seek an official status. In order to set off with the emperor, one of them smiled, preemptively said: "Do you remember the day we mow together? We steal a lot of broad beans in a jar cooked.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。百期刊庆 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Hundreds of journals
目的 观察奥美昔芬对子宫内膜异位症模型大鼠内膜血管生成及ERK-VEGF/MMP-9通路的影响.方法 构建子宫内膜异位症模型(EM)大鼠,将其随机分为模型组、奥美昔芬组,通过皮下注射
对于诗歌,总觉得是生活中不可或缺的部分,长路漫漫也总要有栖息的思想丛林。于是写于是吟,或许都只是不甘于在时先无尽的洪流中沉沦。 For poetry, I always feel that life
丁聪、郁风同志是中国美术馆的老同志、老专家,依照民俗我们提前一年祝贺他们二老,本刊特发表专门之图文,以示祝贺90华诞。 Ding Cong and Yu Feng are old comrades and ve