
来源 :中国民航学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheng198208
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中国在经历了几千年的封建社会以后为什么没有发展成资本主义社会,它与西欧的封建社会究竞有什么不同?这是几代历史学工作者一直在探讨的问题。毕道村先生近年来提出只有在发展了使小农破产的商品经济之后,封建社会才可过渡到资本主义,并将此观点上升为中西封建社会历史比较研究的中心环节。对此笔者提出异议,认为广大农民的生产生活状况及其物质、精神力量的成长才是决定这两种社会之间转型的根本原因或中心环节。 Why did not China develop into a capitalist society after it had experienced thousands of years of feudalism? What is the difference between China and the feudal society in Western Europe? This is a question which generations of historians have been exploring. In recent years, Mr. Bi Daocun proposed that the feudal society should make the transition to capitalism only after the development of a commodity economy that made the small farmers bankrupt, and raised this view as the central link in the comparative study of the history of Chinese and Western feudal society. I challenge this author, that the majority of peasants in the production and living conditions and the growth of their material and spiritual strength is to determine the transition between these two societies, the root cause or central link.
Objectives. A previously reported phase 2 trial suggested substantial clinical activity associated with the combination of a platinum agent and tamoxifen in t h
18 8 6年即已得到哒嗪衍生物 ,1895年首次制得哒嗪。但哒嗪化学发展缓缦 ,因自然界中未发现含哒嗪环的化合物。直至近几十年发现不少哒嗪的衍生物具有较强的生理作用 ,哒嗪化
<正> 上古时期,嫘祖被推崇为“天蚕”,即蚕神,与轩辕黄帝共同创造了华夏的物质文明和精神文明。如宋刘恕《通鉴外纪》称:“西陵氏之女嫘祖,为黄帝元妃,治丝、养蚕、供衣服,后
Objective:To examine the acaricidal effects of the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratits leaf extract(lemongrass)and ethanolic Azadirachta indica leaf extract(n
一、前言 人工饲养鱼事业的不断发展,必然要求饲料工业部门能提供大量的品质优良、种类齐全的鱼饲料。为了达到理想的饲养效果,鱼饲料必须具有一定的耐水性能,在一定的时间