
来源 :中华危重病急救医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:majun913
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目的:探讨批量劳力性热射病(EHS)患者集中救治的流程与环节,以期为此类患者的批量救治提供经验与指导。方法:回顾性分析2019年5月18日解放军总医院第八医学中心集中收治的8例EHS患者的救治过程,包括现场急救、转运后送及院内协作救治等情况。结果:根据8例患者高强度运动史和中枢神经系统功能障碍表现,现场迅速诊断为EHS,立即补液物理降温,并紧急启动接诊成批伤应急预案后快速后送转运至解放军总医院第八医学中心。采取边持续降温边转运的原则,同时医院开放绿色通道,重症监护病房(ICU)对极危重伤员采用伤员∶护士∶医师1∶3∶1抢救模式,并保证配有呼吸机、血滤机、冰毯机;各科室间以ICU为中心紧密合作,密切监测患者生命体征,根据血常规、生化指标、出凝血时间、血气分析等动态变化,给予滴定式、精准治疗。8例患者中4例行连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT),2例冰毯机降温,1例呼吸衰竭患者行气管插管后呼吸机治疗,1例弥散性血管内凝血(DIC)患者在补充血浆、纤维蛋白原的基础上给予低分子肝素钠抗凝治疗。8例患者经补液降温、CRRT、机械通气、防治DIC等集束化治疗后,5~11 d各器官功能明显改善转出ICU,11~20 d均康复出院。结论:规范的救治流程(现场快速识别、迅速降温、安全转运后送、院内协作救治)结合降温补液、CRRT、边补充凝血因子边抗凝等集束化治疗方案,可为批量救治EHS患者提供有力保障,取得良好的救治效果。“,”Objective:To explore the process and segments of intense treatment of patients suffered from exertional heat stroke (EHS), and to provide the experience and guidance for treating batches of EHS patients.Methods:A retrospective study of the curing process of eight EHS patients admitted to the Eighth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital on May 18th, 2019 was conducted, including onsite treatment and subsequent transshipment to hospital for treatment.Results:Based on the medical history with high-intensity exercise and the clinical manifestation of central nervous system dysfunction, the eight patients were quickly diagnosed as EHS on the site, and were immediately rehydrated and attained the systematic cooling. An emergency plan for the treatment of batches of patients was initiated instantly for quick medical evacuation and care, and the patients were quickly transferred to the Eighth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital. A therapeutic principle was strictly followed, concerning the transshipment accompanied by systematic cooling while the medical evacuation and care, therapeutic preparation and immediate opening of the green channel were started up in the hospital. Sticking to the plan of allocating patients vs. nurses vs. doctor by 1∶3∶1, enough persons were dispatched. Ventilators, hemofiltration machines and ice blanket machines were prepared. Through the professional diagnosis and treatment in the emergency department, the patients were transferred to the ICU department. The relevant medical departments were coordinated with the centralization of the ICU department. The vital signs of patients were monitored closely. The titration and precise treatment were implemented, based on the changes in blood routine examination, blood biochemical indexes, blood clotting function, and blood gas analysis. The continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) was performed for four patients, the ice blanket machine cooling therapy for two patients, and the tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation for one patient. Low molecular weight heparin sodium anticoagulant treatment was used in one patient with the diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC) on the basis of coagulation factors such as plasmas and fibrinogens supplementation. The function of the damaged organs was significantly improved in 5-11 days. Eight patients were finally transferred out from ICU department. All patients were recovered and discharged after 11-20 days.Conclusion:A normative treatment process (rapid recognition on the site, rapid cooling, rapid and safe medical evacuation, in-hospital multidisciplinary collaboration) combined bundles of therapeutic strategy such as systematic cooling and rehydration, CRRT, and supplying the coagulation factors while anticoagulation treatment can provide a strong guarantee for rescuing batches of EHS patients and achieve satisfactory treatment outcomes.
目的:观察维生素D(Vitamin D,VD)对Tourette综合征(Tourette syndrome,TS)模型大鼠运动功能及刻板行为的影响。方法:50只清洁级雄性SD大鼠按照随机数字表法分为正常对照组、TS