坚持科学发展观 整体推进中医事业 河南省召开中医工作会议

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本刊讯2006年2月14日,河南省中医工作会议在郑州召开。副省长王菊梅发来了贺信,河南省卫生厅党组书记、厅长马建中作了重要讲话,省卫生厅副厅长、省中医管理局局长夏祖昌作了题为《强化发展意识明确发展思路努力开创河南中医工作新局面》的工作报告。省卫生厅副厅长秦省出席会议并宣读了王菊梅副省长的贺信。来自全省18个省辖市卫生局局长、主管中医工作的副局长、扩权县市卫生局局长和省直中医单位的百余名代表参加了会议。王菊梅副省长在贺信中对“十五”期间我省中医事业得到的较快发展,在人才培养、专科建设和农村中医工作等方面取得的显著成就,在非典、艾滋病等重大传染性疾病防治方面发挥的积极作用,在为人民群众的身体健康和我省经济建设做出的重要贡献给予了充分肯定。同时殷切希望在“十一五”期间,全省中医工作者继续坚持科学发展观,坚持中医事业的正确发展方向,努力建设中医药强省,为保障人民群众身体健康、经济社会和谐发展做出更大的贡献。马建中厅长在讲话中强调,中医事业发展必须树立三种意识和坚持三个重点。三种意识首先是牢固树 On February 14, 2006, the Henan Provincial TCM Working Conference was held in Zhengzhou. Vice Governor Wang Jumei sent a letter of congratulation, and Ma Jianzhong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Department of Health of Henan Province made an important speech. Xia Zhechang, Deputy Director of the Provincial Health Department and Director of the Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, made a speech entitled “Strengthening Development Awareness, Clear Development, and Efforts. Work Report on Creating a New Situation for Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine Work. Provincial Department of Health Deputy Director Qin Province attended the meeting and read out a congratulatory letter from Deputy Governor Wang Jumei. More than 100 representatives from the Directorate of Health of the 18 provinces and municipalities, the Deputy Director of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Director of the Municipal Health Bureau of the Enlargement County, and the provincial direct TCM units attended the meeting. Vice President Wang Jumei expressed his outstanding achievements in the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the province during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, the remarkable achievements in personnel training, specialty construction and rural Chinese medicine work, and prevention of major infectious diseases such as SARS and AIDS. The positive role played by the party fully affirmed the important contribution to the physical health of the people and the economic development of our province. At the same time, it is earnestly hoped that during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period, Chinese medicine practitioners in the province will continue to adhere to the scientific concept of development, adhere to the correct direction of development of traditional Chinese medicine, strive to build a strong province of Chinese medicine, and ensure that the people’s health and economic and social harmony are ensured. Greater contribution. In his speech, Ma Jianzhong emphasized that the development of Chinese medicine must establish three kinds of awareness and adhere to three key points. The three kinds of consciousness are solid trees first
观念决定行动    近年来,“看病难、看病贵”成为党和政府关注的热点问题。在南昌市第一医院,记者得到了关于责任与职责的诠释。  “公立医院的基本职责是为群众提供良好的医疗服务,公立医院是面向广大人民群众的服务窗口,其行业作风好坏,关系到广大人民群众的切身利益,也关系到党和政府在人民群众心目中的形象。我院作为市属公立医院,承担着公共卫生和为人民群众提供基本医疗服务的职责。医院的公益性质决定了它必须以
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