
来源 :草与畜杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songjinyi2001
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前言饲料是畜牧业发展的物质基础,家畜能否得到优质均衡的饲料供应,直接关系到畜牧业的发展前景。豆科牧草在人工草地、半人工草地和天然草地中占很大比例,是建植优质草地的骨干草种。它营养丰富。品质优良,在家畜日粮中占很大比重,各类畜禽均喜欢大量采食。但豆科牧草种类繁多,不少种类含有有毒物质,直接危害畜禽的生长发育。因此,本文在试验的基础上,探折了草木栖、多变小冠花、紫花苜蓿、沙打旺、红三叶、山黧豆等几种常见豆科牧草所含有毒有害物质及其在牧草生育期内的变化规律,并对畜禽相应的中毒症状进行了阐述,旨在引起 Introduction Feed is the material basis for the development of animal husbandry. Whether livestock can get good and balanced feed supply is directly related to the development prospect of livestock husbandry. Legumes in artificial grass, semi-artificial grass and natural grassland account for a large proportion of the grass is the establishment of high-quality grass species. It is nutritious. Good quality, a large proportion of livestock diets, all kinds of livestock and poultry like to eat a lot. However, a wide range of legumes, many species contain toxic substances, directly endanger the growth of livestock and poultry. Therefore, on the basis of the experiment, this paper explores the toxic and harmful substances contained in several common legumes such as Herba Alba, Variety Small Crown Flower, Alfalfa, Astragalus adsurgens, Red Clover, Forage during the growth of the law of change, and livestock poisoning symptoms were described in order to cause