Case study of the steps a high school student must take to become an entrepreneur.

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  Most of the time, people have a very shallow understanding of entrepreneurship. Actually, the first class of becoming an entrepreneur is to ‘think like an entrepreneur’. To become an entrepreneur is not to create something advanced and new, but to discover the problems that people care about and to solve them in your business.
  The first problem you meet is what kind of business you want to set up or what kind of problems you want to solve; A clear business description is required.
  The second problem is about finding your authentic customers. Many people confuse the person who pays as the customer. It is so important to know your business first, and then the real customers.
  My business idea is solving disagreements between parents and students. Initially, my target customers were extroverted students between the ages of 13 and 20. Creating the customer focus will help to design the questions that need to be answered by primary and secondary research. Doing research will help determine whether the initial target customersare the right ones.
  Then, we will look at the industry and consider how to set up service to solve the identified problem. If you want to solve the problem with an app, you need people who create, improve and repair the app. Discovering the industry that your business is in will really influence your product or service.
  Now, we can put them together to have an intuitive contrast between the app and the competitors (Figure 1).
  The table could also help us to discover the important parts of our services or business. My service is called ‘All Known’which could solve the problem of difficult communications. For this business we need to find out the way to solve these problems, the prices and the probability of solving problem. Due to a limitation of the problems to solve, we need to understand the applicable people as well.
  For convincinginvestors to invest the business, a prototype is required to allow them find out the availability of the businessand understand the idea.According to my business idea, I have to build a prototype of the app first, to discover whether my idea could work or not. The prototype needs to include every interface of the app and what will happen after clicking each button. Then, investors would have direct impressions. It is also an efficient way to find out what customers really want. During the period of establishing a prototype, there are 3 important questions: 1) Is my idea economically viable? 2) Is it technically viable? and 3) Is it what my customers really want?   The next step is to write the business theory. A business theory should be approached in a “if, then, because” format. My business theory is as below.
  If the application can solve communication problems between parents and teenagers by offering individualized solutions that can choose between answer from an app, answer from a personalized chat window, or answer from a video chat.
  Then people will use it.
  Because it will solve today’s problem and give suggestions for better communications in personalized perspective mostly about the object of your problem.
  Business theory is a conclusion to indicate what the business will do accurately. And it is also a really significant part to engage the investors.
  Now, we came to the most significant question: how does your company earn money? For the simple type, they earn money by selling products or services directly to customers. As a complex business model, for example, Facebook. It accounts the data of each person and use the data to give advertisements and recommendations. Similar companies make money by using data in a variety of ways.
  There are plenty of parts the business model should explore: differentiation costs,marketing,sales producing and delivering,keeping customers.
  Another significant question you ask is what type of business is the best one for you in today’s situation? For a sole proprietorship or partnership, there’s no limited liability, most companies want limited liability since they don’t want to take too much risk. So, there will be another choice, the limited liability company (LLC). In LLC, we have shareholders and managers, but we still need a group of people to take the responsible for the risk, but the risk will decrease in a great amount. And as your company becomes larger, you could transform it into a corporation. Corporations require shareholders, directors and managers. This type of management could help get investors, achieve growth goals and decrease a huge amount of risks.
  Now, you know almost everything you need to become an entrepreneur. At last, we need to write a business plan. To write a business plan, we need clear goals and the understanding of our customers and industries. It will be helpful to find potential partners and convince investors to invest.
  So, what should a business plan include? Executive Summary, Business Description, Marketing, Management Team, Operations, Financial Information, Risk Analysis, your possible milestones in the future.
  In conclusion, each stepis super important, you should create a business model that is easy to follow and have a business plan that you deeply understand. It is fine for you to ask for help from other people, but if you ask someone else to actually do all of your business plan for you, you’ll miss the business.
  非常荣幸这个暑期在Special A与Mary Fuller教授学到了创业的基本步骤,也对商学有了更加深刻的了解。商学作为出国留学的热门项目被广大家庭考虑,而创业又是很多学生心目中的最佳选项,这篇文章主要以一个高中生的角度来介绍创立企业的基本步骤。在这篇文章中,我列举了创业的具体步骤以及商学的浅显内容,对于考虑商学专业的学生们有较大的参考价值。在我看来,创业学是复杂中包含了有趣的一门学科,但也因此,会帮助人们获得巨大的成功。
一路按照父母的规划从耶鲁大学管理学院MBA毕业的陈睿潼最终并没有选择会计行业,而是进入到自己更感兴趣的金融领域。对此,她认为年轻人其实没有必要做“五年计划”,用她的一句话就是,“安排好当下的事情,就是最好的规划”。  天使投资人,耶鲁大学MBA、芝加哥大学EMBA,前耶鲁招生官,亿元基金管理人,作家,MBA企业导师,这些都是陈睿潼的身份。多重角色,让陈睿潼高频度的奔波于北京、上海、香港等多个城市。
摘要  以对番茄溃疡病菌拮抗效果良好的西唐链霉菌(Streptomyces setonii)菌株ZL22为研究对象,开发出3种大田应用剂型——水剂、颗粒剂和片剂,确定了片剂最佳发酵组分,并测定不同剂型在温室和棚室对番茄溃疡病的防治效果。温室试验结果表明,10×发酵液稀释液、固体发酵物5 g和片剂1 g于番茄定植时施用,对番茄溃疡病防效可达到80%以上;棚室番茄定植75 d后,经过水剂、颗粒剂、片剂
清朝重臣林则徐54岁的时候,曾写下“十无益”。他将一些常被人们看作有益的东西,分别作了界定。也就是说,如果不满足某种条件,一些看来有益的事情,很可能并没用。  这“十无益”既是林则徐自己的修行标准,也是他教育孩子的原则。一、存心不善,风水无益  《大学》有言:“大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。”如果心存不善,逆天而行,无疑是自取灭亡。  “风水无益”,即谓如若为人不善,多行不义,其不仅上愧
“我们下一个目标是帮助地球上的每个劳动者都能通过LinkedIn找到工作”,这是职业社交网站LinkedIn的CEO杰夫·韦纳(Jeff Weiner)日前在Techonomy大会上接受访谈时表示的,“目前全球一共有6亿“知识型员工”,其中有一半是LinkedIn用户,而公司未来的目标不仅是让另外一半也成为LinkedIn的用户,还要帮助地球上的每个劳动者都能通过LinkedIn找到工作。”  “
近几年,随着电竞行业的巨大潜力被挖掘,越来越多的人投入其中,电竞行业更是不负众望,网红频出,美女游戏主播“女流”便因其学霸的身份走红了电竞圈。  女流,本名石悦,2006年内蒙古地区高考理科状元,本科就读于清华大学建筑系,研究生则在北京大学深造。如果一直待在校园,毕业后成为建筑师,不久便结婚——这看上去是一条寻常之路。  但实际上,从大学时上传第一条游戏解说视频开始,这条路就生出了小径,石悦成为女
由于国外的学制、节假日安排和国内不同,大多数留学生在留学期间都很难回家过年,也很难在异国感受到家乡那样热闹的新春氛围。尽管如此,他们还是会尽可能用自己的方式好好过一个春节,庆祝这个特殊的节日。过年,承载的不仅是中国人延绵千年的文化传统,也是集体记忆的传承和表达,更是无论身处何方都依然期盼阖家团聚的思乡情结,这是海外游子心中不变的追求。  又是一年新春佳节。在这个万家团圆的节日里,身处异乡的你,是如
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移民是加拿大留学的一大亮点,同时也是吸引众多留学生前往加拿大留学的重要因素之一。2017年10月4日,加拿大移民局宣布,加拿大《入籍法》新法案(C-6法案)将于10月11日正式实施:5年住满3年即可入 籍。  加拿大持续被评为世界上教育水平和生活质量最高的国家。在今天,超过13万中国留学生在加拿大的校园里學习,是加拿大最大的留学生群体。近年来,加拿大政府新政频频,对国际学生的开放力度不同凡响,与其