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喝下午茶的时光是"我"一天中最轻松的时刻之一。One of the shining moments of my day is that when,having returned a little tired from an afternoon walk,I await the tea plate.Perhaps it is while drinking tea that I most of all enjoy the sense of being free.In days that h
In a classroom,there is constant interaction between teachers and students.Elements such as gestures,facial or corporal expressions that do not,as a rule,attrac
Walker参加了女童子军运动,在此期间,一次雷电击中了她和队友居住的帐篷外的一棵树,她差点丢掉性命,幸亏同伴及时救助,她才脱离险境。The benefits of the Girl Scout are we
Scientists have long wondered how Australia"s koalas get enough water to live.A new study provides an answer.In the wild,koalas get water from the plant leaves
对于也门这个遭受战乱之害的国家来说,孩子们遭受的危害更大:战乱、饥饿、贫困、失学等。在这样的环境下,8岁的Amr Muqbel曾经卖过水,现在又用歌声来帮助缓解家庭的经济困难
Let's be real.We all have a special place in our heart for the home we grew up in.Think of the place.here you learned to ride your first bike or the door fr