Building a scientific and ecological earth–on an important field of geo-science: Geo-environment and

来源 :Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangchongzhan
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This paper explores the 12 aspects of geo-environment and construction engineering, including the earth evolution, the structure of geological bodies, the comprehensive utilization of resources, the geo-environmental effect, the engineering construction, the sustainable development and, etc. This paper presents that the good environment could only be created through the conservation and efficient utilization of resources, the joint efforts of disaster prevention and mitigation, as well as the avoidance of adverse environmental effect caused by human activities. This paper concludes that, to build a scientific and ecological earth, the development laws of geo-science must be learnt. This paper explores the 12 aspects of geo-environment and construction engineering, including the earth evolution, the structure of geological bodies, the comprehensive utilization of resources, the geo-environmental effect, the engineering construction, the sustainable development and, etc. This Paper presents that the good environment could only be created through the conservation and efficient utilization of resources, the joint efforts of disaster prevention and mitigation, as well as the avoidance of adverse environmental effect caused by human activities. This paper concludes that, to build a scientific and ecological earth, the development laws of geo-science must be learnt.
据英国研究人员报道,每天做几分钟头部运动能缓解许多患者长期存在的眩晕症状。 南安普敦大学的Lucy Yardley博士及其同事指出,慢性眩晕是一种常见病,好发于老年人,目前还没有哪种药物对其具有真正疗效。前庭康复锻炼用于调整机体平衡性能,过去仅见于专科医疗中心,这些中心往往只有少数眩晕患者就诊,目前已不多用。
我院自1995年3月至1998年3月采用微波组织凝固治疗女性生殖器尖锐湿疣(CA)共86例,疗效显著,现总结如下。临床资料1年龄最小18岁1例,最大52岁,19岁~30岁52例(60.46%),31岁~40岁21例(24.42%),41岁以上12例(... Our hospital from March 1995 to
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