,Optimized quantum random-walk search algorithm for multi-solution search

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ansunyou
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This study investigates the multi-solution search of the optimized quantum random-walk search algorithm on the hypercube. Through generalizing the abstract search algorithm which is a general tool for analyzing the search on the graph to the multi-solution case, it can be applied to analyze the multi-solution case of quantum random-walk search on the graph directly. Thus, the computational complexity of the optimized quantum random-walk search algorithm for the multi-solution search is obtained. Through numerical simulations and analysis, we obtain a critical value of the proportion of solutions q. For a given q, we derive the relationship between the success rate of the algorithm and the number of iterations when q is no longer than the critical value.
一、调令rn人间四月. 百花齐放,冷热适度,正是一年中最好的时光. 在陈桥县组织部任干事的高雪岭接到调令,要他到杏坛县组织部报到. 据部长说,是一位领导指名道姓调他. 但他怎
麻醉师给尚得胜打过麻药,护士做好术前准备,杨正林缓缓走进手术室. 今天的手术,杨正林比以往迟了5分钟. 接过护士递上的手术刀,盯着无菌布下赤条条的尚得胜,他又稍稍迟疑了一