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纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血5例山西省人民医院(030012)吴文君获得性纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血是一种少见疾病,是红细胞祖细胞受损、衰竭而导致红细胞系统受抑制而发生的一种贫血。我院自1984年以来共收治5例,现报告如下。临床资料5例中男3例,女2例;年龄22~62岁;病程3~7月;临床均有不同程度贫血症状,肝脾均不大。其中2例接触汞史,2例有感染史,无诱因可查1例。血象:Hb30~60g/L,WBC4~13×109/L网织红细胞0.004~0.006,血小板计数100~150×l09/L,嗜酸细胞计数0~7;骨髓象:增生低下1例、活跃3例、明显活跃1例,粒系0.66~0.82,红系1例为0.004,其余为0,淋巴系0.ll~0.30,巨核系4~23个/1.5×3cm2;血清铁蛋白200~500s/L;免疫球蛋白正常;抗核抗体、x线查胸腺瘤均为(一);血沉40~170mm/h。治疗与转归:其中4例单用强的松40~60mg/日,l例用强的松30mg/日与康力龙6mg/日。除合用康力龙1例因经济原因在1个月后好转自动出院外,其它4例均在用药后4~6周Hb上升到100g/L出院。讨论本病病因与发病原理目前欠明。本组有明确 5 cases of pure red cell aplasia Shanxi Provincial People’s Hospital (030012) Wu Wenjun Acquired pure red cell aplasia is a rare disease is red blood cell progenitor cells damaged, failure caused by the inhibition of red blood cell system and an anemia . Our hospital since 1984 treated a total of 5 cases, are as follows. 5 cases of clinical data in 3 males and 2 females; aged 22 to 62 years; duration of 3 to 7 months; clinical symptoms of varying degrees of anemia, liver and spleen are not large. Two cases of mercury exposure history, two cases of infection history, no incentive to detect one case. Blood: Hb30 ~ 60g / L, WBC4 ~ 13 × 109 / L reticulocyte 0.004 ~ 0.006, platelet count 100 ~ 150 × l09 / L, eosinophil count 0 ~ 7; bone marrow as: hyperplasia 1 Cases, active in 3 cases, 1 case was significantly active, grain 0.66 ~ 0.82, red 1 case 0.004, the rest is 0, lymphoid line 0. ll ~ 0.30, megakaryocyte 4 ~ 23 /1.5 × 3cm2; serum ferritin 200 ~ 500s / L; normal immunoglobulin; antinuclear antibody, x-ray thymoma are ~ 170mm / h. Treatment and outcome: 4 cases of prednisone alone 40 ~ 60mg / day, l cases of prednisone 30mg / day and Conrolon 6mg / day. In addition to the use of Conrolon 1 cases due to economic reasons in 1 month after the improvement of auto-discharge, the other 4 cases were 4 to 6 weeks after treatment Hb rose to 100g / L discharged. Discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease is currently under the Ming. This group has a clear
介绍了3套1 500 kt/a硫磺制酸装置304H不锈钢转化器的基本结构及各部件的质量分布情况.对该超大型不锈钢转化器安装工程的施工流程、建造操作步骤、施工准备、施工工艺和人员
1病因  藏医认为过食味咸、甜、性重、不易消化、寒凉饮食,缺乏锻炼、久居潮湿的环境等因素导致食物未能转化成身体所需的精微物质,久而久之“培根”和脂肪聚积形成培根金尼
创作依赖于灵感,灵感需要激发。要积极调动学生的主动性,激发学生的想象力和创新意识。他们一定会展现出五彩斑斓的童真世界。 Creation depends on inspiration, inspirati