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联想推出Happy Linux中并没有捆绑金山的WPS,取而代之的是韩软(Hancom)公司的文杰字处理系统。韩国的字处理软件忽然在我们面前现形,WPS是中国最具影响力的字处理软件,联想是金山的投资人,但是韩软还是凭借自己的实力,占领了联想Linux平台的字处理市场。实力的派对中,没有“朋友感情”实力就是标准。我们将目光投向同我们毗邻的韩国,去看看他们的软件行业。 韩国软件产业协会最近对2400家软件企业的调查表明,今年韩国软件产业的销售额将达到9.55万亿韩元(1100韩元合1美元),比去年增长35.4%。国际调查机构“IDC”所发表的报告显示,最近4年世界软件产业的平均增长率为12%,而韩国的增长率是世界平均增长率的2.9倍。 近5年来,韩国的软件销售额逐年增加,1998年为5.33万亿韩元,去年增加到7.05万亿韩元,5年的平均增长率达到30%以上。软件开发人员,1998年为3.77万名,今年6月底前已增加到6万多名,软件公司平均规模为25人。 韩国软件业积极开拓国际市场。6月19日,韩国IT发展中心正式在中关村落户,有18家韩国企业入住,他们已经准备强力进入中国软件市场。。在2000年3月份,韩国著名的电子产品制造商三星电子公司获得政府批准,与朝鲜进行南北对峙以来第一项软件合作计划。韩国软件业发展的动力源于: Lenovo introduced Happy Linux without the WPS bundled with Kingsoft, and replaced it with Hancom’s Wenjie word processing system. South Korea’s word processing software suddenly appeared in front of us. WPS is China’s most influential word processing software. Lenovo is an investor in Jinshan, but Han Soft, with its own strength, has occupied the word processing market of Lenovo’s Linux platform. In the party of strength, there is no “friendship” strength is the standard. We will look to Korea, which is adjacent to us, to see their software industry. The South Korea Software Industry Association’s recent survey of 2,400 software companies showed that South Korea’s software industry’s sales this year will reach 9.55 trillion won (1,100 won and 1 US dollar), an increase of 35.4% over the previous year. According to a report released by the international investigation agency “IDC”, the average growth rate of the world software industry in the last four years is 12%, while the growth rate in South Korea is 2.9 times the world average growth rate. In the past five years, South Korea’s software sales have increased year by year. In 1998, it was 5.33 trillion won, and it increased to 7.05 trillion won last year, with an average growth rate of more than 30% in five years. Software developers, 37,700 in 1998, increased to more than 60,000 by the end of June this year. The average size of software companies is 25 people. South Korea’s software industry is actively exploring the international market. On June 19th, the South Korean IT Development Center officially settled in Zhongguancun. There are 18 South Korean companies staying and they are ready to enter the Chinese software market. . In March 2000, South Korea’s famous electronics manufacturer Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. obtained government approval to conduct the first software cooperation program with North Korea since the North-South confrontation. The driving force behind the development of the Korean software industry stems from:
在国民经济行业结构中 ,建筑业属投资份额大、回收周期长、与其他产业关联度大 ,且建筑活动十分活跃的板块。作为政府建设行政主管职能部门 ,不仅要正确处理工程质量监管本身
本文分析概括了对营口市域经济发展有重要影响的六个优势和五个劣势,为制定营口市域产业发展策略和产业发展模式提供了重要依据. This article analyzes six advantages and f