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一、关于国际航运中心 国际航运中心,在理论学术界至今尚没有明确完整的定义。一般认为,其基本概念是:随着区域经济和国际贸易的发展,跨国公司的兴起,投资与产业的多样化、国际化、集团化,各国之间技术经济的交流与合作,客观上需要有更经济、更便捷、更有效的海上运输通道与之相匹配,形成以海运为主,与经济发展规模和各国之间交往相适应的运输网络、运输市场和管理运营中心。 世界经济贸易的发展,极大地促进了世界海运业的发展。1950~1994年,世界海运量从5.5亿吨增至44.15亿吨,44年共增长8.03倍,每年平均递增18.2%。目前,世界港口总吞吐量120亿吨,集装箱吞吐量1.3亿TEU,其中日本、西欧、北美约占港口总吞吐量的70%。从已经或正在成为国际航运中心的 First, on the International Shipping Center International Shipping Center, the theoretical academic circle is still not a clear and complete definition. It is generally believed that the basic concept is as follows: With the development of regional economy and international trade, the rise of multinational corporations, the diversification of investment and industry, internationalization, collectivization and technical and economic exchanges and cooperation among different countries need objectively The more economical, convenient and effective maritime transport corridors are matched to form a transportation network, a transportation market and a management and operation center which are mainly maritime transport, which are compatible with the economic development scale and the exchanges among different countries. The development of world economy and trade has greatly promoted the development of world shipping industry. From 1950 to 1994, the world's ocean shipping volume increased from 550 million tons to 4.415 billion tons, a total increase of 8.03 times in 44 years, with an average annual increase of 18.2%. At present, the total port throughput in the world is 12 billion tons and the container throughput is 130 million TEU. Japan, Western Europe and North America account for about 70% of the total port throughput. Have been or are becoming an international shipping center
八、国际货代业务员应具备的进出口业务知识 国际货代企业中的业务人员无论从事何种具体工作,起码应掌握国际贸易中的一些基础知识,只有具备这样的条件,在工作中方能视野开
一、前言2009年4月22日,中国高清光盘产业推进联盟在北京正式发布了中国蓝光高清产品,这标志着中国蓝光高清光盘(CBHD:China Blue High-Definition Disc)产业发展进入了新阶