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ZHOU Bai-Bin *,1,2 WEI Yong-De 1 LI Zhong-Hua 1 ( 1 Department of Applied Chemistry,Ha rbin Institute of Technology £?Harbin£±£ì£°£°£°£±£(c)( 2 Department of Chemistry,Harbin Normal University£?Harbin£±£ì£°£°£?£°£(c) The air-solid interface reaction of Ce,Lu with K10 H 3[Gd (SiMo 4 W£*O£3£1£(c) 2]through chemistry-heated permeation is reported for the fi rst time£(r)The permeated complex is characterized by ICP and the result shows tha t the mini mum Ce,Lu can permeate into the inner sph ere of K 10 H £3 £?Gd £¨SiMo £′ W £* O £3£1 £(c) 2]The IR ,XRD patterns give the eviden ce that after permeation the comple x still keeps the Keggin structure,howe ver,its crystal structure is different from the complex before permeation£(r)The cond uctivity of the permeated complex has been measured with the four-electr ode method and the data show that the co nductivity of the complex after permeation is 10 6 times higher than that of the sample before permeation and reaches £′£(r)84 6×10 -1 S·cm -1 £(r)These indicate that the permeated c omplex is a good solid electrolyte and further appli cations are also expected£(r) ZHOU Bai-Bin *, 1,2 WEI Yong-De 1 LI Zhong-Hua 1 (1 Department of Applied Chemistry, Ha rbin Institute of Technology £ ¨ Harbin £ ± £ ¨ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ (c) (2 Department of Chemistry, Harbin Normal University, Harbin Normal University, Lu with K10 H 3 [Gd (SiMo 4 W £ * The permeated complex is characterized by ICP and the result shows tha t the mini mum Ce, Lu can permeate into the XRD patterns give the eviden ce that after permeation the comple x still keeps the Keggin structure, howe ver, its crystal structure is different from the complex before permeation £ (r) The cond uctivity of the permeated complex has been measured with the four-electr ode method and the data show that the co nductivity of the complex after permeation is 10 6 times higher than that of the sample before permeation and reaches £ ’£ (r) 84 6 × 10 -1 S · cm -1 £ (r) These indicate that the permeated complex is a good solid electrolyte and further appli cations are also expected £ ( r)
研究腔靶辐射温度与靶型及激光辐照条件的关系.实验利用神光-Ⅱ基频光,激光能量为3-5 kJ/8束,脉宽为0.6-0.9ns打Au腔靶.采用滤片-x射线二极管(XRD)阵列谱仪及平响应-x射线二
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