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中华全国合作社联合总社为了迎接秋收旺季,配合国家完成秋季收购任务,特对于合作社的秋季物资供应业务发布了指示。指示中指出:今年全国大部地区夏季作物丰收,从目前的农业情况看来,往后如没有特殊灾害,秋收还可能不坏;秋季作物快要上市(新棉上市尚需十天至二十天左右,新粮上市尚需一个月左右,少数地区稍迟或稍早),合作社尽可能多地满足农民社员生产与生活资料的需要,对于保证国家收购任务,首先是购粮任务的顺利完成,以及整个合作社工作的巩固与发展,是有极其重要的意义的。指示中分析了上半年合作社的供应业务情况,认为后期比前期情况一般有改善,多数地区的零售额也稍有发展;但目前存在着的缺点和问 In order to meet the autumn harvest season and cooperate with the state in the autumn procurement, the All-China Federation of Cooperatives issued special instructions on the autumn material supply business of the cooperatives. According to the instructions, harvesting of summer crops in most parts of the country this year will, in the light of the current agricultural situation, appear to be not particularly catastrophic in the future and may not be bad in the autumn harvest. The autumn crop is going to be launched soon (another 10 days to 20 days About a month or so, the new grain market still takes about a month or so, a few areas a little later or earlier), cooperatives to meet the production and living information of peasant members as much as possible, for the task of ensuring the acquisition of the state, the first task is to purchase grain successfully completed, As well as the consolidation and development of the entire cooperative work, are of extremely important significance. In the instructions, we analyzed the supply of cooperatives in the first half of the year. We think that the latter part of the period generally shows an improvement over the previous period and that retail sales in most areas have also seen slight growth. However, there are still some shortcomings and problems
本文较详细地论证了用强夯加砂桩的复合法加固软基的试验研究的方法和效果。 This paper demonstrates in more detail the method and effect of the experimental researc