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  1. look是不及物动词,意为“瞧、看”,表示有意识的动作,与介词at连用后可作及物动词用,后面可带宾语,意为“看……”。例如:
  Look at the blackboard,please. 请看黑板。
  Let me look at your new watch. 让我看看你的新手表。
  2. see可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,意为“看见,看到”,可以看作是“look”这个动作的结果。例如:
  He looked round,but could see nothing. 他向四周看了看,却什么也没看到。
  3. watch可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,意为“观看、注视”,常指看电视、比赛、表演等。例如:
  They often watch football matches on TV. 他们经常通过电视看足球比赛。
  He is watching TV. 他正在看电视。
  注意:“看电视”用watch TV,而“看电影”则常用see a film。
  4. read作“看”讲时,多指看书、看图画、看报、看杂志等。该动词名为“看”,实则为“读”。例如:
  My father is reading a newspaper now. 现在我父亲正在看/读报纸。
  1. I’m glad to______you.
  2. What can you______in the picture?
  3. She often______volleyball games on weekends.
  4.______ ,Tom is______a book under a tree.
  5.______at the picture on the back wall,please.
  Key:1. see 2. see 3. watches 4. Look,reading 5. Look
  I have no interest in stamp collection. 我对集邮不感兴趣。
  The book is full of interest. 这本书妙趣横生。
  This story is very interesting. 这个故事非常有趣。
  I have an interesting book. 我有一本有趣的书。
  interested也作形容词用,意为“(人)感兴趣的”,在句中作表语或定语,句子的主语只能是人。 be interested in something/doing something意为“对(做)某事感兴趣”。例如:
  He is not very interested in English. 他对英语不很感兴趣。
  I’m interested in playing computer games. 我对打电脑游戏很感兴趣。
  1. The boy has much______in drawing.
  2. The subject has no______for me.
  3. We’ll be______to hear about the news.
  4. He told us an______story.
  5. His talk was______ .
  6. Children are______in skating in winter.
  Key:1. interest 2. interest 3. interested 4. interesting
  5. interesting 6. interested
下面几个含there be的句子中都有一处错误,请将它们找出来并加以改正。  1. There are a desk and two computers in the classroom.  2. —Are there many apples in the box?  —Yes,they are.  3. There have 40 students in my class.  Key:1. 把a
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