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在全院范围内所有岗位均实行聘任制,停止各类专业技术职务任职资格和职员职级晋升的评审,撤消院级各系列专业技术职务任职资格的评审委员会;在全面实施岗位聘任制的同时,为保障各类重大项目和专项工作的阶段性人才需求,在试点单位全面实行项目聘用制;全面实行以绩效奖励为主的“三元”结构分配制度,探索知识和技术要素参与分配的形式,形成国家科研机构新型分配模式;把引进人才的重点转移到吸引和凝聚科技帅才上来。 All posts in the hospital are implemented appointment system, to stop all kinds of professional and technical qualifications and promotion of staff qualifications review, abolition of the hospital-level series of professional and technical positions of the appraisal committee; in the full implementation of job appointment system at the same time, In order to ensure the phased talent demand for all kinds of major projects and special projects, the pilot units should fully implement the project employment system. The “tripartite” structure allocation system mainly based on performance awards should be fully implemented and the knowledge and technology elements should be explored to participate in the distribution Form and form a new distribution model of the national scientific research institutions; shift the focus of the introduction of talents to attracting and cohesion of science and technology.
前不久,康尔寿在重庆上演了一出让人眼花缭乱的“假破产”闹剧。 重庆康尔寿保健食品研究所(以下简称康尔寿)是中国保健品市场的知名企业,其所生产的减肥茶以“健康减肥”理
吃过中饭,我到家门前的花坛边去玩。我发现花坛里有许多弹子虫,它们灰黑的小身子圆鼓鼓的,脚细细的,爬起来还挺快。 Eaten lunch, I went to play in front of the flower b
在大森林里,有一个动物王国,它的大王是老虎。这是位刚登基的大王,它每天都在想,怎样才能当好一个大王呢? In the big forest, there is an animal kingdom whose king is a
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1月13日上午,在沈阳军区大连服务处礼堂,《下一代》杂志大连小记者总站隆重举行八个小记者分站成立暨寒假活动启动大会。 On the morning of January 13, eight small repor
军军面对试卷,急得直摇脑袋。明明在后面看得一清二楚,知道好朋友遇到难题了,便想递个纸团给他。老师监得很严,明明眨巴眨巴眼睛, Junjun face papers, anxious to shake he