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 4月的津城,火爆的4月.天津商品“交易会”刚刚落幕,“中国人民保险公司全国涉外工作会议”在津城热烈的气氛中召开.会议围绕今年国家出台的财税、金融、外贸和外汇管理体制改革举措,结合保险,就涉外业务经营管理体制改革:新的核算制度下,如何稳定公司经营:如何管理高风险业务以及人才问题等进行了深入探讨.这次会议除各分公司负责国际保险业务的领导参加外,国际产还邀请了总公司与国际业务有关部门的同志参加.人事部、财会部、再保部、信用 April of Tianjin City, the hot April .Tianjin Commodities “Fair” has just ended, “People’s Insurance Company National Foreign Affairs Conference” held in the warm atmosphere of the city of Jincheng. The conference around the country this year’s taxation, finance, foreign trade And foreign exchange management system reform measures, combined with insurance, the foreign-related business management system reform: the new accounting system, how to stabilize the company’s operations: how to manage high-risk businesses and personnel issues were discussed in depth in this meeting in addition to the various branches In charge of the international insurance business leaders to participate in the international production also invited the head office and the international business department comrades to participate. Ministry of Personnel, Accounting, Reinsurance, credit
1 Introduction Tight sandstone gas reservoirs have become the focused field in the global unconventional natural gas exploration and tight sandstone gas output
自青年时代他就喜欢摄影,他崇尚大自然,热爱民族文化。每逢假日,都会约上影友奔赴大漠草原,深入牧民毡包采风,他以一位锡林郭勒人的眼 He liked photography since he was a