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随着我国城市化进程的加快和人民生活质量的提高,一个新的行业(PCO)——有害生物防制业正在形成。PCO,是指利用各种方法和技术来驱除、防制有害生物而形成的一个行业。有害生物广义上包括一切在一定条件下,对人类的生活、生产甚至生存产生危害的生物,包括有害的动物、植物、微生物及病毒;狭义上包括危害、骚扰人类的有害节肢动物、啮齿动物等,如蚊子、苍蝇、老鼠、蟑螂、跳蚤、蜱螨、甲虫、蜈蚣、白蚁等。据预测,2010年我国城市人口将达到4.5亿人,城市化水平将达到45%,城市个数将达1000个;到2030年我国城市化水平将达55%,实现城市现代化。随着人口大量向城市聚集,城市规模不断扩大,物流频繁,城市房屋、交通、绿化建设日新月异。这一切,都会给城市的生态环境带来变化,使原来生活在城市或郊区的害虫的种类构成、种群密度、栖息场所等随之发生变化,一些适应了环境变化的害虫,种群数量会急剧增加,进而导致虫害爆发。因此,广大市民对有害生物的防制存在着迫切要求,PCO有着巨大的潜在市场,预计未来几年我国的PCO将有一个很大的发展。 With the acceleration of urbanization in our country and the improvement of people’s living standards, a new industry (PCO), the pest control industry, is taking shape. PCO, refers to the use of various methods and techniques to repel, control pests and the formation of an industry. Pests include in a broad sense all organisms, including harmful animals, plants, microorganisms and viruses, that under certain conditions jeopardize human life, production and even survival; in the narrow sense, include harmful arthropods, rodents, and the like that endanger and harass humans Such as mosquitoes, flies, mice, cockroaches, fleas, acarids, beetles, centipedes, termites and the like. It is predicted that in 2010, China’s urban population will reach 450 million, the urbanization level will reach 45%, and the number of cities will reach 1,000; by 2030, China’s urbanization level will reach 55%, and urban modernization will be realized. With a large population to the city gathered, the city continues to expand the scale of logistics, urban housing, transportation, greening with each passing day. All this will bring changes to the ecological environment of the city, causing changes in the species composition, population density and habitat of pests that originally lived in cities or suburbs. Some pests that adapt to environmental changes will dramatically increase in population , Which in turn led to the outbreak of pests. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the prevention and control of pests by the general public. PCO has a huge potential market. It is estimated that there will be a great development of PCO in our country in the coming years.