
来源 :学前教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonathan
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我在幼儿园担任了小提琴辅导工作,了解到学习小提琴益处很多。其中,最突出的两点教育作用是:(一)使手指灵巧,小脑发达。(二)使人变得胆大、心细。但是学习起来也不是那样容易,要长久坚持下来就更不易了。为使幼儿增加学习小提琴的兴趣,就需在教法上下一番苦功。如让幼儿从玩开始,教师因势利导,让幼儿不把学琴看作是一种技能训练,而是作为一种乐于接受的游戏,把小提琴当作一种贵重的玩具朋友珍爱它。这样,他们学起来就有很大的乐趣和主动性,教师在教学中运用幼儿乐于接受的语气想方设法调动起幼儿的积极性,帮助他们逐渐建立起学习小提琴的自信心。当他们从劳动成果中享受到乐趣时,兴 I worked as a violin counselor in kindergarten and learned that learning violin benefits a lot. Among them, the two most prominent role of education is: (a) make fingers smart, well-developed cerebellum. (B) make people become bold, careful. However, learning is not so easy, to persevere for a long time even more difficult. In order for children to increase their interest in learning violins, they need to exert a great deal of hard work in teaching methods. Let children from the beginning of play, teachers make the best use of the situation, so that children do not learn the piano as a skill training, but as a willing to accept the game, the violin as a precious friend of friends cherish it. In this way, they learn to have great fun and initiative. Teachers use their childlike tone in teaching to find ways to mobilize the enthusiasm of young children and help them gradually establish their confidence in learning the violin. When they enjoy the fruits of labor, Xing
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爸爸今年38岁,国字脸,鼻梁上老架着一副眼镜。冬天,他喜欢穿那件棕色的厚外套。爸爸很关心我的学习。每天,我做完老师布置的作业后,他总要让我再做些课外习题,可他 My fathe
亲爱的编辑叔叔、阿姨:你们好!我是来自上海市浦东新区的葛飞菲,今年9岁,我是一个活泼可爱、聪明伶俐的女孩。自从背着书包、迈进校门起,我就订阅了《小学生 Dear editor un