梦想有来世 动画无国界——《梦回金沙城》主创团队带我们走进中国动画梦工厂

来源 :电影画刊(上半月刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxblackjack
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今年以来,随着奥斯卡最佳动画片奖的提名和华表奖优秀动画片奖的获得,《梦回金沙城》又一次给一直低迷不振的国产动画片市场注入了活力和振奋剂。中国动画片首次入围奥斯卡,无疑在国内动画业的发展史上具有里程碑的意义。但是,在《梦回金沙城》于国际上获得首肯的同时,自去年在院线公映以来,在国内市场上却反响平平,票房走低。有人将这种现象称为“墙内开花墙外香”。果真如此吗?为什么会这样?国内目前动画片市场和动画业的整体现状是怎样的?《梦回金沙城》及其制片公司“盛世龙图”在其间处于怎样的位置?……《梦回金沙城》现象,首先在国内动画业界引起了一场深思考与大讨论,央视和《青年周刊》等各大媒体都纷纷关注和跟踪报道。本刊也怀着同样的好奇与种种疑问,联系到《梦回金沙城》的制片公司,对这间中国动画梦工厂的主创团队进行了深入采访。 This year, with the nomination of the Academy Award for Best Animation and the achievement of the Huabiao Award for Outstanding Animation, Dreaming of Sands City once again infuses vitality and stimulants into the depressed domestic animation market. Chinese animation for the first time finalists Oscar, no doubt in the history of the domestic animation industry has a milestone in the history of the significance. However, while “Dreaming of Sands Cotai” has gained international recognition, it has been flat on the domestic market since its release on the cinema last year, and the box office has been on the decline. Some people call this phenomenon “fragrant wall ”. What is the case? What is the overall current status of the domestic animation market and animation industry? What is the position of “Dreaming of Sands City” and its production company “Shenglong” in the meantime? ...... “Dreaming of Sands Cotai” phenomenon first aroused a deep pondering and discussion in the domestic animation industry, CCTV and “Youth Weekly” and other major media have followed and reported. With the same curiosity and doubt as its own, the magazine linked the studios “Dreaming of Sands” to an in-depth interview with the creative team of the Chinese animation DreamWorks.
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