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演出覆盖200个村,以及47个社区、53所学校,在大剧院演出50场,年演出总量超过300场,且观众皆是免费观赏,这是江苏省杂技团今年的演出目标。2016年4月1日,傍晚时分,在建湖县冈东初中,当下课铃声响起,200多位学生列队步入操场,等待如约而至的演出。不知何时,消息不胫而走,引来周边的居民前来探看,有的索性将自家的凳椅随身带上,更有不少村民大老远骑着电动车赶来。4月2日,下午三时,在建湖县文化艺术中心大剧院,手持免费门票的市民们纷至沓来。上下两层能容下 The performance covers 200 villages, as well as 47 communities and 53 schools. The show hosts 50 performances in the Grand Theater. The show will have a total annual performance of more than 300 performances. All the audience are free to watch the performances. This is the performance target of the Jiangsu Acrobatic Troupe for this year. On April 1, 2016, in the evening, at the Gangdong Junior High School in Jianhu County, when the bell rang, more than 200 students marched into the playground waiting for the show to be held. I do not know when, the news spread like wildfire, attracting residents to explore around, and some simply carry their own stool chair, many villagers riding electric cars all the way. April 2, 3 pm, at the Jianhu County Cultural Arts Center Grand Theater, free tickets to hold the public after another. Up and down two layers to accommodate
A new approach to the synthesis of 7,8,13,13a-tetrahydroisoindolo[1,2-b] [3]benzazepine 5 and 5,6,8,9,14,14a-hexahydroisoquino[1,2-b][3]benzazepine 9 and relate
Two chiral building blocks 1 and 2 for anti-and syn-1, 3-diols has been achieved in 8 steps and 7 steps respectively, starting from the readily available and in
一九八六年十一月三十日在青岛专用汽车制造厂由重型汽车工业企业联营公司主持通过了对 QS1291·260/K 38/4×2A 型重型自卸汽车的技术鉴定和批量生产鉴定。该车型是青岛专