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我国高职旅游教育专业是为应对改革开放以来我国旅游业的快速发展而建立的,进入21世纪后随着我国大力发展以旅游产业为基础的第三产业,旅游行业对于旅游从业的专业素质的要求也越来越高,而高职院校旅游教育专业则承担着为我国旅游行业培养和输送高素质的应用型旅游专业人才的重任,因此,加强高职院校旅游教育专业建设,提高高职院校旅游教育的培养质量就显得十分重要而紧迫。一、我国高职旅游教育专业发展现状分析高职旅游教育专业,顾名思义,就是指在高职院校中设置的,专门为我国旅游行业培养的具有高素质的应用型旅游专业人 China’s tourism education in higher vocational education is to meet the rapid development of China’s tourism industry since the reform and opening up and established, enter the 21st century as China vigorously develop the tourism industry as the basis of the tertiary industry, the tourism industry for the tourism professional quality The requirements are also getting higher and higher, while the tourism education major in higher vocational colleges undertakes the task of training and transporting high-quality applied tourism professionals in China’s tourism industry. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of tourism education major in higher vocational colleges and raise the high The quality of tourism education in vocational colleges is very important and urgent. First, the tourism development of higher vocational education in China Higher Vocational Tourism Education, as the name suggests, refers to the setting in the vocational colleges, specifically for the development of China’s tourism industry with high-quality applied tourism professionals
本刊顾问、当代著名历史学家、厦门大学文科资深教授、博士生导师韩国磐先生因病医治无效,于2003年8月6日与世长辞,享年85岁。 韩国磐先生1919年12月24日出生于江苏省如皋县
执著奋进,是位世界著名钢琴家世界著名女钢琴家莉莉·克劳斯(Lili Kraus)1905年3月生于匈牙利的首都布达佩斯,1986年11月6日在美国北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔逝世,享年81岁。她从小
不想颐养天年 费孝通的寓所是一座红檐灰顶的小楼。费老博学睿智,温文尔雅,谦虚友善,德高望重。平日里,学生要来看他,朋友要来看他,要避也避不开,想躲也躲不了,费老都认真地
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我们测定了东京大学医学部附属病院肝胆胰外科1995至1997年间收治的92例肝癌患者血清DCP脱-γ-羧基凝血酶原(即des-γ-carboxy-prothrombin或被称为protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-2, PIVKA-Ⅱ)水平,并评价了临床意义。