看清印度市场后再进入——访《经济学人》全球总监、著名经济分析师David Crichton

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世界四大文明古国之一的印度,是非社会主义国家中第一个同中国建交的国家,他在政治上采取不结盟政策,推出一系列有利的政策来吸引外资,开展本国经济的发展。在中国企业更多地倡导自主创新,中国的劳动力成本不断增加的今天,印度凭借其独特的优势开始逐渐成为跨国公司海外代加工的首选,同时中国的企业也开始越来越关 India, one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, was the first non-socialist country to establish diplomatic relations with China. He took a political non-aligned policy and introduced a series of favorable policies to attract foreign investment and develop its own economy. As Chinese enterprises advocate more independent innovation and China’s labor cost continues to increase, India has gradually become the first choice of multinational corporations for overseas processing because of its unique advantages. At the same time, Chinese enterprises are getting more and more involved
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