编剧周志方 门外汉一年写就大部头

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看过《贞观长歌》的观众会问:周志方是谁?答案很简单:是这部电视剧的编剧。不简单的是,他首次担任影视剧编剧,就创下了国内原创剧本集数的记录。2007年2月1日,记者穿越大半个北京城,来到石景山与周志方会面。在联系采访时,他的一位朋友告诉记者,周志方相当温和。果如传言所说——采访那天,这个年轻的编剧开着一辆桑塔纳轿车,在路边迎候记者。湖南人周志方个子不高,由于长期在 The audience who saw the “Long Story of Zhenguan” will ask: Who is Zhou Zhifang? The answer is very simple: it is the screenplay of the drama. Not simple, his first screenplay as a TV drama, set a record of the number of domestic original screenplay. February 1, 2007, the reporter traversed more than half of Beijing city, came to Shijingshan and Zhizhi Fang met. In an interview, one of his friends told reporters that Zhou Zhifang is quite moderate. As the rumor said - on the day of the interview, the young writer opened a Santana sedan to greet reporters on the roadside. Hunan Zhizhi Fang is not tall, due to long-term
Liu Hong, member of Tianjin Musicians Association and council member of the Pipa (Chinese lute) Academic Committee of China Traditional Orchestra Association, c
  显色琼脂培养基(Chromogenic Agar)是一类利用微生物自身代谢产生的酶等物质与相应底物反应显色的原理快速检测、鉴定微生物种类的特殊培养基。与传统培养基培养法相比,使