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一当东方那盘圆圆的淡红色的“镜”还挂在地平线下,当银色的晨霜还恋着花枝的时候,卧在萝卜山下的江淮磷矿已经醒来。各家的电灯次第拉亮,人们启门开窗的响声打破了幽静的早晨。啊,雨雪初霁,空气清新,难得的好晴天!人们喜笑颜开,今天总又可以扶老携幼,走出家门探亲访友,痛痛快快地消受一番。然而却有一个人似乎对这一年一度的春节并不特别在意,他房里的灯火彻夜通明,但并非在守岁。他凝神静坐,有时往本子上飞速写上几笔,复又站起来漫步,烟灰缸里的烟蒂 As soon as the eastern round plate of pink “mirror” is still hanging in the horizon, when the silver morning cream is still in love with the flowery branches, lying in the mountains under the radish Jianghuai phosphate rock has woke up. The lamp of every family drew the light, the sound that the window of a person opens the door breaks the quiet morning. Ah, the beginning of the rain and snow, fresh air, a rare good sunny! People smile, and today can always help the elderly and young, out of the house to visit relatives and friends, painfully happy to get it. However, one person does not seem to particularly care about this annual Spring Festival. The lights in his room are clear all night, but not at a conservative age. He meditation, sometimes to the book quickly write a few, complex and stand up and walk, ashtray cigarette butt
1990年以来,首钢绿化研究所率先开展了“晚秋园林植物引种栽培应用研究”,至今成果显著。芸香(Ruta graveolens)为其中最引人注目的晚秋植物。系芸香科多年生草本植物(图1),
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蝴蝶果(Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei)为大戟科蝴蝶果属常绿阔叶乔木,它的种仁内有一对子叶象摺翅栖息的蝴蝶紧贴在胚乳上,因此得名。蝴蝶果是国家三级保护植物,枝叶四季浓绿,
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