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农十三师位于新疆东大门的哈密地区,其下辖的11个农牧团场大多数地处偏远、信息闭塞的地带。今年春节期间,农十三师位于边境线上的淖毛湖农场、红星一牧场、红山农场的职工过得格外开心,因为40套画面清晰的电视节目为他们增添了许多欢乐。至此,该师11个团场8万余名职工彻底告别了“看不见、看不清”电视的历史。而这一切都得益于该师与新疆电信合作建成的综合业务网工程。该工程集农十三师网络平台的搭建和协同办公系统、视频会议系统、有线电视联网传输系统的建立于一体,它的建成使得农十三师成了全兵团第一个比较完整、系统地完成信息化基础建设,并将信息化应用到日常生产管理中的第一师。 The thirteen divisions of farmers are located in the Hami district of Dongdaemun, Xinjiang. Most of the eleven farming and pastoral farms under their jurisdiction are located in remote and information-obstructed areas. During the Spring Festival this year, the 13 workers at Nongmao Lake Farm, Red Star Ranch and Hongshan Farm on the borderline were particularly happy because 40 sets of clear television programs added a lot of joy to them. So far, more than 80,000 employees in 11 departments of the division have completely bid farewell to the history of “invisible and invisible” television. All this benefited from the division and Xinjiang Telecom to build an integrated business network project. The project set the thirteen division of the network platform to build and collaborative office systems, video conferencing systems, cable television network transmission system established in one, it completed the formation of agricultural thirteen division became the Corps the first more complete, systematic Complete the information infrastructure, and information technology applied to the daily production and management of the first division.
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