
来源 :中华流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiachengpu
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目的 研究非意愿性行为的危险因素 ,为制定降低非意愿性行为的规划、改善青少年的生殖健康服务。方法 采用病例 对照研究方法。研究对象是从寻求人工流产 (人流 )服务年轻妇女中选取的 ,以人流者中 ,经历过非意愿性行为的 5 12名妇女作为病例组 ,以同一人群中 ,从未经历过非意愿性行为的 5 17名妇女作为对照组 ,来比较两组间各种因素的差异。结果 增加非意愿性行为发生的危险因素主要有 :高中以下文化程度〔χ2 =15 .2 7,P <0 .0 1,比值比 (OR) :1.71〕 ,没有与父母同住 (χ2 =10 .18,P <0 .0 1,OR :1.5 0 ) ,因醉酒而发生性行为 (χ2 =34 .2 2 ,P <0 .0 1,OR :5 .0 4) ,被男方殴打过 (χ2 =6 .79,P <0 .0 1,OR :2 .72 ) ,被男友辱骂过 (χ2 =4.2 2 ,P <0 .0 5 ,OR :1.71) ,曾经与几个男性发生性关系 (χ2 =19.0 8,P <0 .0 1,OR :2 .17) ,流动人口 (χ2 =2 0 .6 0 ,P <0 .0 1,OR :1.78)以及男方与女方年龄之间的差距 (χ2 =11.0 4,P <0 .0 1,OR :2 .17)。结论 文化程度较低、单独居住、外来人口、多性伴及男女之间关系的不平等 ,易增加发生非意愿性行为的风险 Objective To study the risk factors of unwanted behaviors and to improve the reproductive health services for adolescents in order to make plans to reduce unwanted behaviors. Methods A case-control study was used. Participants were selected from young women seeking abortion (abortion) services. Among 512 abortive migrants, 512 abortive women were selected as case groups and never experienced unintended sexual behaviors among the same people Of the 517 women as a control group to compare the differences between the two groups of various factors. Results The main risk factors for increasing unintentional behavior were: high school education (χ2 = 15.27, P <0.01, odds ratio: 1.71), no sharing with parents (χ2 = 10 .18, P <0.01, OR: 1.5 0), sexual activity due to drunkenness (χ2 = 34.22, P <0.01, OR: 5.04) χ2 = 6.79, P <0.01, OR: 2.72), abused by her boyfriend (χ2 = 4.2 2, P <0.05, OR: 1.71) and had sex with several males (χ2 = 19.0 8, P <0.01, OR: 2.17), floating population (χ2 = 2.060, P <0.01, OR: 1.78) and the difference between male and female age Gap (χ2 = 11.0 4, P <0.01, OR: 2.17). Conclusions Low educational levels, living alone, migrants, multiple sex partners and inequalities in relationships between men and women tend to increase the risk of unwanted behaviors
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本研究进行两个试验。试验1,384只21 d艾维茵肉鸡随机等分为4个处理,每处理6 重复,每重复16只,分别饲喂在基础日粮中添加0、180 g/t、360 g/t和720 g/t 溢多利浓缩微丸酶(复合酶制