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<正> 1984~1989年我院共收治重症病毒性肝炎(以下简称重肝)165例,现将各型肝炎病毒引起急性及亚急性重症肝炎与预后关系研究的结果报告如下。材料及方法 (一) 病例选择全部病
Group-invariant solutions to certain plane curve motions in Euclidean and centro-affine geometries areobtained. The behavior of some solutions is also presented
We study the localization properties of electrons in a two-dimensional system in a random magnetic field B(r) = Bo + δB(r) with the average Bo and the amplitud
Competition between anomalous diffusion and normal diffusion along two different directions of the track for a Brownian motor, combined with a periodic potentia
<正> 我院曾误诊4例以心脏症状为突出表现的甲亢,现报告如下.病历摘要例1:女,64岁,阵发性心悸、气短、下肢浮肿4个月入院.查体:皮肤潮湿,眼球不突,颈静脉明显怒张,甲状腺不大
We present a study of associated ηc and γ double diffractive production in p-p collision based on Ingelman-Schlein model, and the framework of non-relativisti