Calculation of the self-formation driving force for composite microstructure in liquid immiscible al

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong579
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Using Becker’s method, we calculate the interfacial energy between two liquid phases in an immiscible system. Based on the Gibbs-Thomson equation, the force acting on the droplet towards the thermal center can be obtained by integrating the interfacial energy between the droplet and matrix liquid phase, which is related to both the radius of a droplet and the temperature gradient. In addition, the forces of gravitation and buoyancy also act on the droplet. The calculated results indicate that the resultant for these forces together mainly decides the microstructure morphology of the solidified alloy. The calculated results are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results. Using Becker’s method, we calculate the interfacial energy between two liquid phases in an immiscible system. Based on the Gibbs-Thomson equation, the force acting on the droplet towards the thermal center can be obtained by integrating the interfacial energy between the droplet and matrix liquid phase, which is related to both the radius of a droplet and the temperature gradient. In addition, the forces of gravitation and buoyancy also act on the droplet. The calculated results indicate that the resultant for these forces together mainly mainly decides the microstructure morphology of the solidified alloy. The calculated results are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results.
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现代预应力混凝土施工/杨宗放.方先和编著.-北京:中国建筑工业出版社.1993.6.-226页;大32开.(建筑施工工程师技术丛书).-ISBN 7-112-01944-3:5.35元中小型机械操作工/吴瑛,
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