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为了帮助本刊的读者能更多地了解世界文学发展变化的情况,本刊从今年起开辟了“外国新小说家”栏目,这个栏目以更加开阔的视野和更为及时的效率,向读者介绍一些活跃在当今欧美主流文坛的新锐作家与作品,其特色在于,我们的着眼点并不只在诺贝尔奖的获奖作家和作品,而是将眼光转向更为文学界看好的作家与作品,这些作家的创作甚至更为深刻地影响着当今世界的潮流,引领着文学创作的潮头。 In order to help readers of this magazine understand more about the development and changes of world literature, this year we have opened the column of “Foreign Novelists”. This section introduces readers to a wider field of vision and more timely efficiency Some of the newcomers and works that are active in today’s mainstream American and European cultures are characterized by our focus not only on the award winning authors and works of the Nobel Prize, but on our turn to writers and works that are more literary, The creation even more profoundly affects the trend of the world today, leading the tide of literary creation.
荤油饼是天津等地的传统民间食品.素以原料平常、制作简单、香酥可口、风味独特而受到人们的喜爱。 Cuts are traditional folk food in Tianjin, etc. They are popular w
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牛羊肉营养丰富,味道也鲜美,但烹制后剩下的牛羊油很硬,食用不方便,丢了又可惜,请问怎么办? Nutritious beef and mutton, the taste is delicious, but after cooking the
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我们人体的唾液与饮食有着极为密切的关系.一个健康人的饮食,都要先经过口 Our body’s saliva and diet has a very close relationship.A healthy diet, have to go thro
在2007年度的《纽约时报》“英语图书全球畅销榜”上,《孤独的幸存者》(Lone Survivor)一度荣登非小说类排行榜榜首,并长期高居前5位。 Lone Survivor once topped the non-