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由我国山东省和意大利马尔盖大区联合举办的“孔子文化展”于本月上旬在意大利中部城市乌尔比诺隆重开幕。遥远东方的“至圣先师”首次踏足欧洲,引来了川流不息的参观人群,为这座秀丽的山城平添了节日气氛。 乌尔比诺是文艺复兴“三杰”之一拉斐尔的出生地,也是17世纪传教士利马窦的故乡。正是这位传教士首先将中国传统文化的重要组成部分儒家学说介绍到了欧洲,使孔夫子在“旧大陆”声明远播,家喻户晓。 展览在古公爵府、圣多梅尼科古教堂和拉斐尔剧院分三处举行,共设7个展厅,占地2000多平方米。一尊由古木雕成的3米多高孔子雕像巍然耸立在展览序厅,向观众展示了这位中国伟大先哲儒雅 The “Confucius Cultural Exhibition” jointly organized by Shandong Province of China and Italy and Marche Region was grandly opened in Urbino, the central city of Italy earlier this month. For the first time in Europe, the “Most Holy Master” in the Far East attracted a constant stream of visitors and added a festive atmosphere to this beautiful mountain town. Urbino is the birthplace of Rafael, one of the Renowned Renaissance, and the hometown of 17th-century missionary Ricci. It is the missionary who first introduced Confucianism, an important part of Chinese traditional culture, to Europe and made Confucius declare it as “well known and widely known in the Old World.” The exhibition is held in three locations, the ancient Ducal Palace, San Domenico ancient church and the Raphael Theater, a total of seven exhibition halls, covering over 2,000 square meters. A 3 meter high statue of Confucius, made of ancient wood carvings, stood proudly in the exhibition hall to show the audience the great sage of China
近日,中国人民的老朋友、英籍女作家韩素音来到北大校园。在勺园2号楼一间会客室里,我“插空儿”采访了她。 她身着大红色的西装。套着大红的毛衣,下身是一件黑色毛裙,神态
风起云涌的“文化衫”热潮使人眼花缭乱。“文化衫”到底是人内心情感的宣泄,还是某种心灵缺憾的补偿,抑或是自由精神和个性的外化?祝喜先生如是说—— Surging “culture s
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像斑马一样美丽和快乐 从罗马转机去巴勒莫颇费了一些周折。因为是由中国国际民航改乘意大利国内航线,需要办理入境手续,而罗马机场的出入境通道分为两种。一种供欧共体国家
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