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在临床医疗工作中,加强医患沟通,可以建立良好的医患关系,有效地减少和防止医疗纠纷的发生。1医生在医患沟通中应具备的基本素质1·1高尚的医德作为一名医生,首先要有责任心、同情心和爱心。这是做人之本,更是医生的医德之本,尤其是当今追求以人为本的和谐社会,视患者为亲人也 In clinical work, strengthening communication between doctors and patients can establish a good doctor-patient relationship and effectively reduce and prevent the occurrence of medical disputes. A doctor in the communication between doctors and patients should have the basic quality of 1.1 noble medical ethics as a doctor, we must first have a sense of responsibility, compassion and love. This is the principle of being a human being, and it is also the medical ethics of the doctors. In particular, the pursuit of a people-oriented and harmonious society nowadays, treating patients as their loved ones
Objeetive:Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are representative chronic inflammatory airway diseases responsible for a considerable burden
Background:Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO),an enzyme for tryptophan metabolism through the kynurenine pathway,exhibits an immunosuppressive effect and induces
Background:Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) and lymphoma presenting as retroperitoneal mass may closely resemble each other and misdiagnosis may occur.This study
目的分析变温试验优势偏向(directional preponderance, DP)与自发性眼震(spontaneous nystagmus, SN)和前庭觉障碍的相关性,明确DP与外周性眩晕患者疾病所处时期的关系,探讨其在前庭功能评估中的意义。方法收集2012年3月至2014年6月于复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院门诊就诊的外周性眩晕患者394例,比较动静态姿态平衡台感觉结构以及视频眼震电图(vid
伴有破骨细胞样巨细胞肿瘤的共同特征是间质中存在破骨细胞样巨细胞(osteoclast-like giant cells,OGC).可见于身体的各个部位,最常见于骨、肌腱(腱鞘)和软组织,其次是泌尿道、乳腺及胰腺(表1),通常称之为"伴OGC的肿瘤"或"巨细胞肿瘤"[1-10].本文将就伴有OGC的上皮性肿瘤进行介绍。
目的通过分析梅尼埃病患者气导短纯音诱发的颈肌前庭肌源性诱发电位(cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potential,cVEMP)和眼肌前庭诱发肌源性电位(ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential,oVEMP)的引出特点,探讨前庭耳石器通路功能与梅尼埃病临床分期之间的关系及其应用价值。方法收集56例(56耳)单侧梅
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TH650EW -Ⅱ是与S450EW新型高强度耐候钢配套的中合金富氩气体保护焊焊丝.为了全面地掌握TH650EW -Ⅱ焊丝的焊接工艺特性,研究了富氩保护气体中不同CO2含量对TH650EW -Ⅱ焊丝