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作为近代中西方艺术调和的大师,林风眠可算是最早的先驱者。本文将从他的一些艺术思想为出发点,浅析当下艺术工作者该如何为我国的艺术前途进行不懈努力。一、调和东西方艺术但凡是艺术工作者,都应知道林风眠大师将其毕生的精力都致力于调和东西方艺术。他认为:“西方艺术是以模仿自然为中心,结果倾于写实一方面。东方艺术,是以描写想象为主,结果倾于写意一方面。艺术之构成,是由人类情绪上之冲动,而需要一种相当的形式以表现之。前一种寻求表现的形式在自身之外,后一种寻求表现的形式在自身之内,方法之不同而表现在外部之形式,因趋于相异;因相异而各有所长短,东西艺术之所以应沟通而调和便是这个缘故。” As a master of modern Western and Western art reconciliation, Lin Fengmian can be regarded as the earliest pioneer. This article will start from some of his artistic thoughts and analyze how contemporary art workers should make unremitting efforts for the artistic future of our country. First, to reconcile the East and West Art But all art workers, should know that Master Lin Fengmian devoted all his life to the reconciliation of Eastern and Western art. He believes: “Western art is based on the imitation of nature, the result is leaning to realism on the one hand. Oriental art, based on the description of the imagination, the result is inclined to freehand on the one hand, the composition of art is driven by human emotions, But the need for a considerable form to express the form of the former to seek performance outside of itself, the latter to seek expression of the form within itself, the method of showing in the external form, due to the trend of different ; Because of the differences and have their own length and short, the reason why art should be reconciled is the reason. ”
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