战斗吧,少年!(三) 老师的嘱托

来源 :小樱桃(好少年) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sun0603
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上期说到,好少年趣味训练营的老师用时空穿梭机的残余能量激活了小樱桃等人的灵魂印记。小樱桃在灵魂印记激活的时候陷入了昏迷,等到苏醒过来的时候,师姐晓真告诉她,老师要在正气阁接见她,并鼓励小樱桃参加新弟子入门测试。小樱桃迈步进入正气阁,在一楼的大殿里,她看到自己的老师正坐在太师椅上看书。小樱桃学着电视中古人的样子,深深一拜道:“弟子小樱桃拜见老师。”孟轲看到小樱桃到来,温和地说道:“徒儿不必多礼。”接着又问道:“在儒家可还习惯?”想想自己生活的时代,整天吃汽车尾气,小樱桃脱口说道:“突然来到这风景好、环境好,可吸入 Speaking of the previous period, the teacher of young and interesting training camp activated the souls of cherries and others with the residual energy of the shuttle. Little cherry fell into a coma when the Soul Mark was activated. When she woke up, Sister Xiao told her truthfully that the teacher should meet with her in Zhengqi Pavilion and encouraged Little Cherry to join the new disciple’s introductory test. Little Cherry walked into the upright Court, in the hall on the first floor, she saw her teacher sitting in the armchair read a book. Small cherries learn the way the ancients of television, a deep thanks to: ”disciples little cherry meet the teacher.“ ”Meng Ke saw the arrival of small cherry, said mildly: “ children do not have more ceremony. ” Asked: “In Confucianism can still be used?” Think about their own life era, eat the car exhaust all day, Cherry said: "Suddenly the scenery is good, the environment is good, can be inhaled
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