An improved artificial physics approach to multiple UAVs/UGVs heterogeneous coordination

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This paper proposed an improved artificial physics(AP)method to solve the autonomous navigation problem for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs)/unmanned ground vehicles(UGVs)heterogeneous coordination in the three-dimensional space.The basic AP method has a shortcoming of easily plunging into a local optimal solution,which can result in navigation fails.To avoid the local optimum,we improved the AP method with a random scheme.In the improved AP method,random forces are used to make heterogeneous multi-UAVs/UGVs escape from local optimum and achieve global optimum.Experimental results showed that the improved AP method can achieve smoother trajectories and smaller time consumption than the basic AP method and basic potential field method(PFM). This paper proposed an improved artificial physics (AP) method to solve the autonomous navigation problem for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) / unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) heterogeneous coordination in the three-dimensional space. The basic AP method has a shortcoming of easily we improve the AP method with a random scheme. the improved AP method, random forces are used to make heterogeneous multi-UAVs / UGVs escape from local optimum and achieve global optimum. Experimental results showed that the improved AP method can achieve smoother trajectories and smaller time consumption than the basic AP method and basic potential field method (PFM).
桑建华Sang Jianhua中航工业首席技术专家Chief Expert of AVIC中航工业成都飞机设计研究所副所长、副总设计师Vice Director and Vice Chief Designer of AVIC Chengdu Airc
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