
来源 :中国水产科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:painangel
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以历次海洋科学调查在闽东渔场获得的初级生产力为基础,通过2000~2001年对该渔场的鱼类资源结构、浮游植物有机碳含量、生态效率、主要经济鱼类营养级及其有机碳含量等模型参数的调查和检测,采用营养动态模型和Cushing模型估算鱼类资源的生态容量(潜在生产量),进而应用Steele模型分别估算中上层鱼类、底层鱼类的资源生产量,最后从鱼类资源生产量中分离出近底层鱼类的资源生产量。采用Gadima模式估算鱼类及其各生态类群资源的最大可持续开发量,并讨论它们的开发利用程度。估算结果:闽东渔场鱼类资源生产量为63.08×104t,最大可持续开发量为33.82×104t。其中中上层鱼类资源生产量为38.68×104t,最大可持续开发量为20.34×104t,底层和近底层鱼类资源生产量分别为13.22×104t和11.17×104t,最大可持续开发量合计为15.50×104t。底层和近底层鱼类实际年渔获量自1993年以来已连续11年超过其最大可持续开发量,呈过度捕捞。中上层鱼类实际年渔获量也于1998年以来连续6年超过其最大可持续开发量。因此必须加强保护和管理,采取有力措施削减捕捞力量和渔获量,实行捕捞力量和渔获量“负增长”,待到渔获量下降到最大可持续开发量水平时,才恢复实施“零增长”制度。 Based on the primary productivity of marine science survey in the fishing ground of Mindong, the fishery resources structure, phytoplankton carbon content, ecological efficiency, trophic level of major economic fish and their organic carbon content And other models of the parameters of the survey and testing, nutrition dynamic model and Cushing model to estimate the ecological capacity of fish resources (potential production), and then use Steele model were estimated middle pelagic fish, the bottom of the fish production capacity, and finally from the fish The production of similar resources isolated near the bottom of the fish production capacity. The Gadima model is used to estimate the maximum sustainable development of fish and its ecologically-derived resources and to discuss their extent of exploitation. Estimated results: The output of fish resources in Mindong Fisheries is 63.08 × 104t, and the maximum sustainable development is 33.82 × 104t. Among them, the production of pelagic fish was 38.68 × 104t, the maximum sustainable development was 20.34 × 104t, the production of bottom and bottom fish was 13.22 × 104t and 11.17 × 104t, respectively, and the maximum sustainable development was 15.50 × 104t. The actual annual catch of bottom and bottom fish has exceeded their maximum sustainable development for 11 consecutive years since 1993, resulting in overfishing. The actual catch of pelagic fish has also exceeded its maximum sustainable development for six consecutive years since 1998. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen protection and management, take effective measures to reduce fishing power and catches, implement “negative growth” in fishing power and catches, and resume “zero growth” only when the catches drop to the maximum sustainable development level. system.
以透射电镜观察4月龄、体长12-16cm、体重16-25g的苏氏Mang鲶(Pangasius sutchi)的肝脏组织。结果表明,苏氏Mang鲶肝细胞存在双态现象。根据胞质内电子密度不同,Mang鲶肝细胞可以
以野生选育的坛紫菜(Porphyra haitanensis)为母本,诱变选育全棕红的品系为父本进行杂交实验,从杂交子代大量叶片中,筛选出1株褐黄色素突变体、1株翠绿色与野生色相嵌的嵌合体和1
用500对斑马鱼SSLP标记引物对黑龙江野鲤(Cyprinus carpio haematopterus Temminck et Schlegel)和柏氏鲤(Cyprinus pellegrini pellegrini Tchang)进行种间遗传差异分析,共发