Prognostic factors and survival in patients with gastric stump cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suilong12341106
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AIM:To elucidate the clinicopathological characteristics and prognostic factors of gastric stump cancer(GSC).METHODS:The clinical data for 92 patients with GSC were collected at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center.The prognostic factors were analyzed with Cox proportional hazard models.RESULTS:GSC tended to occur within 25 years following the primary surgery,when the initial disease is benign,whereas it primarily occurred within the first15 years post-operation for gastric cancer.Patients with regular follow-up after primary surgery had a better survival rate.The multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that Borrmann type?Ⅰ/Ⅱ(HR=3.165,95%CI:1.055-9.500,P=0.040)and radical resection(HR=1.780,95%CI:1.061-2.987,P=0.029)were independent prognostic factors for GSC.The overall 1-,3-,and 5-year survival rates of the 92 patients were78.3%,45.6%and 27.6%,respectively.The 1-,3-,and 5-year survival rates of those undergoing radical resection were 79.3%,52.2%,and 37.8%,respectively.The 5-year survival rates for stages?Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,andⅣwere 85.7%,47.4%,16.0%,and 13.3%,respectively(P=0.005).CONCLUSION:The appearance of GSC occurs sooner in patients with primary malignant cancer than in patients with a primary benign disease.Therefore,close follow-up is necessary.The overall survival of patients with GSC is poor,and curative resection can improve their prognosis. AIM: To elucidate the clinicopathological characteristics and prognostic factors of gastric stump cancer (GSC) .METHODS: The clinical data for 92 patients with GSC were collected at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center. The prognostic factors were analyzed with Cox proportional hazard models .RESULTS: GSC tended to occur within 25 years following the primary surgery, when the initial disease is benign, and it occasionally within the first 15 years post-operation for gastric cancer. Patients with regular follow-up after primary surgery had a better survival rate. multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that Borrmann type Ⅰ / Ⅱ (HR = 3.165,95% CI: 1.055-9.500, P = 0.040) and radical resection (HR = 1.780,95% CI: 1.061-2.987, P = 0.029) were independent prognostic factors for GSC. Overall 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates of the 92 patients were 78.3%, 45.6% and 27.6% respectively.The 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates of those undergoing radical resections were 79.3%, 52.2%, and 37.8% respectively The 5-year survival rates for stages Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳwere 85.7%, 47.4%, 16.0%, and 13.3%, respectively (P = 0.005) .CONCLUSION: The appearance of GSC occurs sooner in patients with primary malignant cancer than in patients with a primary benign disease.Therefore, close follow-up is necessary. overall survival of patients with GSC is poor, and curative resection can improve their prognosis.
那天,是新学期的报到日。我早早来到学校,等待学生的到来。回暖的阳光下,报到的人渐渐多了起来。报到的第一天,往往是学校最忙碌的日子。这时,在报到的空隙中,班主任们还会不时了解学生的动态,尤其是那些可能“流失”的学生。  在农村初中学校,开学时,往往也是学生流动性最大的时候。因此,“保学控辍”便成了农村学校开学时的重点工作。我蹲点的七(1)班有一个女生怎么也不肯再读书了,说要到县城学做衣服。据她的家长
在颁奖会现场,儿子高兴地走上领奖台,从老师手里接过证书,把它抱在怀里。台下的父亲,看到儿子证书里“爱国主义教育征文一等奖”几个字,心里有些涩。他没有像往常一样把口袋封得那么死,等儿子回到自己的身边,便俯身问儿子:“想吃什么?爸爸今天有钱,马上带你去买。”  儿子知道父亲是想给他一个“奖”,其实父亲有钱没钱儿子心里很清楚。一家三口从皖西的山沟来到这座小城,靠的就是这位身强力壮的农民工父亲,他成天用血
翼蓼(Pteroxygonum giraldii Damm. et Diels)系蓼科(Polygonaceae)翼蓼属(Pteroxygonum)的单种,是我国的特有植物。翼蓼的块根俗称“荞麦七”,是陕西七药的一种。在传统中药理论中,荞麦七具有凉血消淤,祛湿解毒的功效,用于治疗吐血、衄血、便血、痢疾、崩漏带下、疮疖、烧伤等症。但其化学成分,至今不明确,因此,我们在前期研究工作的基础上,对翼蓼乙醇