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一个典型是一面旗帜。典型的吸引力、感召力和指导意义是巨大的。毛泽东同志说过:“典型宜多,综合宜少。”一张报纸,如果没有自己的典型报道,这张报纸将是苍白无力的。因而,我们应该给先进典型以显要的位置,让典型坐首席。在新闻改革的实践中,我们大理报在加强典型报道方面,有以下几点体会和认识。从本地区的实际出发,选择最有特色的典型选择本地区最有特色的典型,就要在吃透本地区的实际和掌握本地区的优势上下功夫。苍山洱海,是国家级风景名胜区,苍洱风光,誉满中外;苍洱风景区,吸引着海内外众多的游客;苍山洱海的保护、 A typical is a banner. The typical attraction, charisma and direction are huge. Comrade Mao Tse-tung said: “There should be more than a typical number, but less comprehensive.” A newspaper, without its own typical coverage, will be pale and weak. Therefore, we should give the advanced model to a prominent position, so that the typical sitting chief. In the practice of press reform, we at Dali Bao in strengthening the typical coverage have the following experience and understanding. From the actual situation in the region, select the most characteristic typical choice of the region’s most characteristic of the typical, it is necessary to understand the actual situation in the region and master the advantages of the region. Cangshan Erhai Lake, is a national scenic area, Cang Er scenery, renowned at home and abroad; Cang Er Scenic Area, attracting many tourists at home and abroad; Cangshan Erhai protection,