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1958年,是我国社会主义建設进入第二个五年計划时期的第一年,在这一年的头一个月,在我們眼前就呈现出一幅雄偉壯闊的圖画:全国的工农業生产,正以排山倒海之势向前躍进。全民性的增产节約运动,兴修水利和积肥运动,除四害講衛生运动,反对浪費、勤儉建国的运动等等,真是人人振奋个个爭先,大家都捲入了落后赶先进、先进再先进的竞賽浪潮中。国家机关的精簡机構、下放干部进行劳动鍛鍊,領导人員走出办公室,深入实际、深入群众,一个接一个的革命措施,正后浪推前浪似地推动着社会主义建设事業的大發展。在这样一个革命和建設高潮的形势下,摆在我們文書、档案工作者面前的任务,就是鼓起干勁,克服困难,干 In 1958, the first year of the second five-year plan for socialist construction in our country, in the first month of this year, before us, a magnificent picture was presented: the country’s industrial and agricultural production, Is leaps and downs of the trend forward leap forward. All-people’s campaign of increasing output and saving water, building water conservancy and promoting fertilizer campaigns, saying that the campaign of building a healthy and fortified society, fighting against waste, and building a prosperous and thriving nation, etc. are really exciting. Everyone is involved in the backwardness, advanced and advanced Advanced wave of competition. The streamlining of state organs, the decentralization of cadres to work forge ahead, the leadership of personnel out of the office, in-depth factualization, in-depth mass, and revolutionary measures one after another, just wave the waves and promote the great development of the socialist construction. Under such a situation of revolution and construction climax, the task before our instruments and archivists is to muster energy, overcome difficulties and do
华侨华人久居海外 ,大多长期置身于资本主义社会 ,了解、熟悉资本主义各项经济制度的内容和运作机制 ,有的还积聚了一定的资金 ,掌握了一些科学技术或经营管理的知识 ;同时 ,
一个周末,我和爸爸、妈妈外出吃完早餐,在回家的路上看见一个卖金鱼的阿姨,她的面前摆(bai)放着大小不一的鱼缸(gang),里面的金鱼五彩缤纷(bin fen),可好看了!妈妈见我喜欢,
冯桂芬 ,字林— ,号景亭 ,江苏吴县人。他出生在江南一个地主家庭。冯自幼受过良好的教育 ,加上他博览群书 ,通晓经史 ,很早便以才学负名一时。他 2 3岁中举之后 ,常去听一些
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著名诗人、翻译家、文学研究家卞之琳,于2000年12月2日逝世,享年89岁。 卞之琳1933年毕业于北京大学外文系。著有《莎士比亚悲剧四种》、《英国诗选》等译作与《雕虫纪历1933-1958》、《十年诗草》等