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我行建行之初,根据人民银行的授权,承担了统管国营企业流动资金的任务,采取了行政与信贷杠杆相结合的方法管理国营企业流动资金。专业银行时期,我行以国营工商企业为贷款的主要对象,通过实施“区别对待、择优扶持”的信贷政策,支持生产发展,扩大商品流通。同时,为了推动技术进步和企业技术改造,我行开办了技改信贷。此外,我行还积极拓展信贷领域,加强信贷管理,并承担了大量政策性贷款的发放任务。 At the beginning of CCB’s construction, according to the authorization of the People’s Bank of China, it undertook the task of overseeing the liquidity of state-owned enterprises and adopted a combination of administrative and credit levers to manage the liquidity of state-owned enterprises. During the period of specialized banking, the Bank supported the state-owned industrial and commercial enterprises as the main target of loans and supported the development of production and expanded the circulation of commodities through the implementation of the credit policy of “differentiated treatment and selective support”. At the same time, in order to promote technological progress and technological transformation of enterprises, CCB started to provide credit for technological upgrading. In addition, we also actively expanded the credit field, strengthened credit management and undertook a large number of policy loan disbursement tasks.
(全卷共四个大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟)rn一、语文知识及运用(30分)rn1.下列加点字注音有错误的一项是( )(3分)rnA.22年来,酉阳乡村教师庞家奎用瘦弱的脊背,为南溪河对
Hello!Boys and girls!Today,I will tell something about what afterschool activities can you think ofThere are many activities that students can do.But I think st
一、前言在伺服控制系统中,有关模型匹配控制系统的设计方法已有为数众多的研究。这些研究的共同之处是用有理多项式除法所产生的无穷级数来设计控制系统。一般无穷级数 I.
第一部分听力略.(25分)rn第二部分基础知识运用(65分)rn1.单项选择.(15分)rn1.The students are clever.They have no problems_____out the math problem.rnrn