A Guide to Success

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bjw72
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It’s common knowledge that China has the fastest growing economy in the world.What is not common knowledge is exactly how Western companies can gain a foothold and increase their profits by doing business inside this next great superpower.Ted Plafker,a Beijing correspondent for The Economist,has written a fully detailed, yet user-friendly prescriptive guide to navigating the business landscape of the world’s most populous nation-Doing Business in China. On September 11,Plafker,a business journalist who has worked in China since 1989,sat down for an interview with Beijing Review reporter Ding Wenlei to talk about the purpose of writing the book and share his views on how individuals and companies can succeed in this challenging and often confusing environment. It’s common knowledge that China has the frozen growing economy in the world. What is not common knowledge is exactly how Western companies can gain a foothold and increase their profits by doing business inside this next great superpower.Ted Plafker,a Beijing correspondent for The Economist ,has written a fully detailed, yet user-friendly prescriptive guide to navigating the business landscape of the world’s most populous nation-Doing Business in China. On September 11,Plafker,a business journalist who has worked in China since 1989,sat down for An interview with Beijing Review reporter Ding Wenlei to talk about the purpose of writing the book and share his views on how individuals and companies can succeed in this challenging and often confusing environment.
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