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记者:目前理论界主张产权制度改革的人不少,但我发现大家在使用“产权”这一概念时,却各有各的理解。您怎样认识“产权”的含义? 刘诗白:我认为,产权即财产权,英文可译为Property right。它是主体的财产所有权或财产经营权。产权制度是社会采取的经济组织经营方式,活动交换中主体的财产权力(支配程度、范围)、益、责的某种安排,产权制度把财产的占有权(支配使用权)、收益权、处置权等在当事主体之间进行划分,以巩固某种经济活动秩序,和实现某种财产所有权。 Reporter: At present, there are quite a lot of people who advocate the reform of the property rights system in theorists. However, I find that everyone has their own understanding when they use the concept of “property rights.” How do you know the meaning of “property rights”? Liu Shibai: In my opinion, property rights are property rights, and English can be translated as Property right. It is the subject of property ownership or property management rights. The property rights system is the mode of operation of the economic organizations, the property rights (dominance, scope), some arrangements of benefits and responsibilities in the exchange of activities. The property rights system takes the ownership of property (the right to use), the right to proceeds, the disposal Right and so divided between the parties to consolidate the order of certain economic activities, and to achieve some kind of property ownership.
“Overlap syndromes”have been reported among various autoimmune liver diseases, particularly between primary biliary cirrhosis and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) i
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被清华大学录取的结果,让32岁的吴善柳终于可以结束长期边缘的生活状态。过去的八年里,他基本只做了两件事,复读,高考。  “就像一辆已经长期偏离轨道的列车,终于回到了正轨。”他说,这只是一种个人选择,很难复制,也不(符合)主流价值观,“最好不宣传、不评论、不报道”。  2006年秋天,当吴善柳回到母校广西浦北中学复读时,谁也没有想到,他会连考八年。  2007年吴善柳最终考取了北京师范大学,这在吴善
是什么来得悄无声息,去得不留痕迹,却在我们心中留下不可磨灭的烙印?  是什么带给我们“此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然”的遗憾?  是什么让我们懂得“月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后”的难得与温馨?  是什么让我们服膺与信守着“生命诚可贵,爱情价更高”?  草长莺飞的西湖,柳浪与黄莺对答。许仙与白娘子的誓言萦绕耳畔,催人泪下。昔日的相依相偎仍然让人沉醉,可转眼已分隔为塔里塔外。塔里的她肝肠寸断,痛彻心扉;塔外
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