Segmental ureteroileal conduit resection for the treatment of distal upper urinary tract recurrence

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fang82888
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Segmental ureterectomy is less invasive than radical nephroureterectomy and results in nephron preservation and satisfactory tumor control.This study was to determine the feasibility of segmental ureteroileal conduit resection(SUICR) for patients with distal upper urinary tract recurrence of bladder cancer following radical cystectomy.Four patients with high-grade distal upper urinary tract recurrence underwent SUICR 15-108 months after radical cystectomy.The surgical technique details of SUICR,operative results,and follow-up outcomes are reported.The median operation time was 280 min,and estimated blood loss was less than 100 ml One patient suffered from ileus 5 days after surgery and was managed conservatively.Histopathologic evaluation showed high-grade stages pTa-pT1 diseases for these patients,and ureteral margins were all negative.No patient suffered from tumor recurrence,with a median follow-up of 39 months.SUICR preserved the ipsilateral renal unit and conformed to oncological principles during surgery.The oncological outcome was satisfactory for these properly selected patients.This technique provides a valid alternative to nephroureterectomy for patients with imperative indications and high-grade upper urinary tract recurrence of bladder cancer following radical cystectomy. Segmental ureterectomy is less invasive than radical nephroureterectomy and results in nephron preservation and satisfactory tumor control. This study was to determine the feasibility of segmental ureteroileal conduit resection (SUICR) for patients with distal upper urinary tract recurrence of bladder cancer following radical cystectomy. Flow patients with high-grade distal upper urinary tract recurrence underwent SUICR 15-108 months after radical cystectomy. The surgical technique details of SUICR, operative results, and follow-up outcomes are reported. median operation time was 280 min, and estimated blood loss was less than 100 ml One patient suffered from ileus 5 days after surgery and was managed conservatively. Histopathologic evaluation showed high-grade stages pTa-pT1 diseases for these patients, and ureteral margins were all negative. No patient suffered from tumor recurrence, with a median follow-up of 39 months. SUICR preserved the ipsilateral renal unit and conformed to oncological principles during surgery. The oncological outcome was satisfactory for these properly selected patients. This technique provides a valid alternative to nephroureterectomy for patients with imperative indications and high-grade upper urinary tract recurrence of bladder cancer following radical cystectomy.
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