书教改大字 育桃李芬芳——金茂小学教育教学改革初探

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上海浦东新区金茂小学创建于1997年9月。地处金桥出口加工区,毗邻高档住宅小区金桥湾,占地面积为12521平方米,建筑面积为5369平方米。学校设计,规划都以新区“一流的城市必须有一流的教育”为目标,高标准、高起点、高质量配置。学校本着“一切为了学生,为了学生的一切”为宗旨,以“加强基础、面向全体、开拓创新、提高素质”为办学目标,全面贯彻党的教育方针,重视学校各项基础建设。建校两年来,请专家、知名学者到校讲学,对青年教师传、帮、带,教育、教学取得了可喜成果,受到了新区领导的首肯。如学校“德育成果展示”获新区德育工作会议优秀奖,青年教师教学大奖赛、健美操、自编韵律操、“苗苗”合唱队表演等,均在新区各类比赛中名列前茅。办学效果在新建学校中享有一定的知名度。学校教学设施齐全,现有标准教室24间,电脑房、语音室、音体美专用教室一应俱全,还配有卫生室、乒乓球房、多功能教室,拥有200米环跑的植草操场和排球、篮球、足球场各一处,绿化面积为占地的35%左右。先进的教学设施、幽雅整洁的校园环境、勤政务实的领导班子、蓬勃向上的教工队伍,为培养 21世纪高质量的人才奠定了基础。 Shanghai Pudong Jin Mao Primary School was founded in September 1997. Located in Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, adjacent to the high-end residential Jinqiao Bay, covers an area of ​​12,521 square meters, construction area of ​​5,369 square meters. School design, planning are new district “first-class cities must have first-class education” as the goal, high standards, a high starting point, high-quality configuration. The school aims at “strengthening everything for the sake of students and everything for students” and “strengthening the foundation, facing the whole, pioneering and innovating, and improving the quality”. The school fully implements the party’s education policy and pays great attention to the school’s various basic construction. In the past two years since the establishment of the university, experts and renowned scholars have been invited to give lectures at the school. The teachers have made gratifying achievements in the transmission, help, banding, education and teaching of young teachers and have been approved by the leadership of the new district. Such as the school “Moral Education Achievements” won the New District Moral Education Work Conference Excellence Award, Young Teachers Teaching Grand Prix, aerobics, self-rhythmic gymnastics, “Miao Miao” chorus performances, are among the best in all kinds of competitions in the New District. School effectiveness in the new school enjoys a certain reputation. School teaching facilities, the existing standard classroom 24, computer room, voice room, tone body for the United States specialized classrooms, also equipped with health rooms, table tennis room, multi-purpose classrooms, with 200 meters run grass playground and Volleyball, basketball, football field in each one, green area of ​​about 35% of the land. Advanced teaching facilities, elegant and clean campus environment, diligent and pragmatic leadership, a vigorous contingent of teaching staff, to cultivate the 21st century, high-quality personnel laid the foundation.
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