Study on the Balanced Fertilization for Corn in Black Soil Region

来源 :东北农业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tz1233211123
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Regressive models were obtained by employing 311-B and 3414 optimal regressive desingns throughrn5-year (1993~1997) field experiment,and by datum processing with computer. These models express the re-rnlationships between c yields in high,middle and low yield areas and N,P,and K application rates in blackrnsoil. By analysis to the models, the fertilizer application rates for maximum yield and optimal yield werernachieved.
瓜奇果异大观园是延庆首批国家级生态示范区,生态环境优良,空气清新,水质洁净,先后荣膺“全国绿化模范县”“国家园林县城”等殊荣。优良的生态环境,为延庆发展 Guagui frui
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