Two new approaches for image registration based onspatial-temporal relationship

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigmouse0907
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How to improve the probability of registration and precision of localization is a hard problem, which is desiderated to solve. The two basic approaches (normalized cross-correlation and phase correlation) for image registration are analysed, two improved approaches based on spatial-temporal relationship are presented. This method adds the correlation matrix according to the displacements in x- cirection and y- directions, and the registration pose is searched in the added matrix. The method overcomes the shortcoming that the probability of registration decreasing with area increasing owing to geometric distortion, improves the probability and the robustness of registration. How to improve the probability of registration and precision of localization is a hard problem, which is desiderated to solve. The two basic approaches (normalized cross-correlation and phase correlation) for image registration are analysed, two improved approaches based on spatial-temporal relationship This method adds the correlation matrix according to the displacements in x- cirection and y-directions, and the registration pose is searched in the added matrix. The method overcomes the shortcoming that the probability of registration decreasing with area increasing owing to geometric distortion, improves the probability and the robustness of registration.
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