第五讲 举师之基 力量之源——浅谈经济动员

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战争是力量的竞赛,而经济力量又是战争赖以进行的物质基础,战争不可一刻离开经济力量的支撑。中国古代兵书《孙子兵法》就有“日费千金,然后十万之师举矣”的论述。恩格斯也曾指出:“军队的全部组织和作战方式以及与之有关的胜负,取决于物质的即经济的条件。”在战争条件下,运用国家的经济力量保障战争顺利进行,是通过国民经济动员实现的。国民经济动员,是指国家将经济部门、经济活动和相应体制从平时状态转入战时状态所采取的措施。目的是充分调动国家的经济能力,提高生产水平,扩大军品生产,保障战争的需要。基本措施是:生产要素向军工企业倾斜,实行生活资料配给,调整各种物质生产的比例关系,实行经济保护和争取外援等。 经济动员古已有之,如筹集粮草、征集车马、提高捐税和制造兵器等,就是古代的带有经济动员性质的活动。1793年8月23日,法国国民公会通过的《全国总动员令》中,就规定有武器生产、财政支配等内容。现代意义的经济动员始于第一次世界大战。由于这场战争规模之大、参战人数之多、持续时间之长、物资消耗之巨大,都是前所未有的,各主要参战国仅凭战前储备和正常的军 War is a contest of power, and economic power is the material basis for the war. The war can not leave the support of economic forces momentarily. Ancient Chinese military book “Art of War,” there are “daily fee daughter, and then lift the 100,000 men,” the exposition. Engels once pointed out: “The entire organization and means of operation of the armed forces and their outcome depends on material conditions, ie economic conditions.” Under the conditions of war, the use of the state’s economic forces to ensure the smooth progress of the war is achieved through the national economy Mobilized to achieve. Mobilization of the national economy refers to the measures taken by the state to shift the economic sector, economic activities and corresponding systems from the usual state to the wartime state. The purpose is to fully mobilize the country’s economic capabilities, raise the level of production, expand military production and guarantee the needs of the war. The basic measures are as follows: The factors of production tilt to the military enterprises, implement the rationing of living materials, adjust the proportional relationship of various material production, implement economic protection and seek foreign aid. The economic mobilization has existed for a long time, such as raising forage, soliciting horses, raising taxes and making weapons, and so on. It is an ancient activity with economic mobilization. August 23, 1793, the French National Assembly adopted the “National General Mobilization Order,” provided for arms production, financial control and so on. Economic mobilization in the modern sense began in World War I. Owing to the large scale of the war, the large number of warring fighters, the long duration of their operation, and the enormous consumption of materials, they are unprecedented in that the major participating warring states are only based on prewar reserve and normal military forces
△老板面对总是有很多小白问题的员工时,老板:“知之为知之,不知百度知。”  △老板:“今天发工资!”  大家:“OH……YEAH!”  老板:“后天中午为了庆祝我小子考上××大学,在××大酒店摆两桌,大家务必都到啊!”  大家:“OH……NO  △如果向老板提出想多要点工资时。  老板:“慢慢来嘛,年轻人不要浮躁!”  △老板回答为什么不招新员工的时候就说:“能节约还是要节约,不富裕!”  △员工
一家百货商店门口,挂着一张牌子,上写:“欢迎看一看,不买也是客”。只这一句暖人心的话,便令许多过客驻足。    许多消费者,尤其是女性消费者,喜欢毫无目的地转商场。这些人是潜在客户,“一触即发”是他们的共性,关键是什么能触动他们?怎样才能触动他们?    周小华卖热水器    周小华的家电商场里走进了一对夫妇。两人在热水器货区不停地徘徊。周小华主动走上前热情地跟他们打招呼:“你们好,欢迎来我们商场
当一个长得跟你们家宝宝特别相象的“小人儿”出现在孩子面前时,是惊讶,新奇,还是自豪?您是否会慷慨解囊,将其拥为已有?    实战篇    “开宝”来自美国,原名叫“仿真娃娃”,来到中国后改名为“孖宝”。“孖宝”是依照孩子本人样貌及特点制作的高级装饰仿真玩偶娃娃。  在一个朋友家,黄小姐第一次了见到仿真娃娃。作为一个母亲,她想送给孩子这样一个娃娃,而作为一个商人,她看到了仿真娃娃潜在的商机。  于是