拒绝平庸 仰望高标——解析《当代传播》的成功之道

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1985年5月20日,西部,乌鲁木齐市。当这里的新闻从业者在为一本新闻传播理论期刊的问世而欣喜时,他们并没有想到,在若干年后,这本期刊会冲出西部,成为全国有较大知名度,并颇具影响力和号召力的“全国新闻核心期刊”。由新疆记协、新疆日报主办,深圳特区报合办的《当代传播》杂志(前身为《新疆新闻界》),走过了这样一条道路。十几年来,《当代传播》以探讨新闻学术理论、关注新闻实践为己任,坚持理论性、实用性、指导性、可读性相结合的办刊方向,以改革和创新统揽全局,追逐研究前沿的新闻理论,探索新闻媒体发展规律,研讨新闻传播业内的新现象、新成果,读者面已扩大至全国的新闻单位、高等院校、图书馆、研究院所,在新闻学术界有较大影响和广泛知名度。特别是近年来,《当代传播》杂志社在主编亢平的带领下,致力于办刊改革实践,不断提高刊物的质量,为期刊参与更大范围和更广阔领域内的竞争积聚力量,取得了令人惊羡的成绩。 May 20, 1985, west, Urumqi. When journalists here are delighted with the advent of a journal theory journalism, they did not expect that in a few years the journal would emerge from the west as a country with greater visibility and influence Charismatic “national news core journals ”. The “Contemporary Communications” magazine (formerly “Xinjiang Press”) co-organized by the Xinjiang Association of Journalists and the Xinjiang Daily and the Shenzhen Special Zone Daily newspaper has gone through such a road. In the past decade or so, “contemporary communication” has been based on the academic theory of journalism and attention to journalistic practice. It adhered to the direction of running a journal which was a combination of theory, practicality, instruction and readability, took the overall situation of reform and innovation, chased the research Cutting-edge news theory, exploring the law of development of the news media, discussing the new phenomena and new achievements in the news media industry, the readership has been extended to news agencies, institutions of higher learning, libraries, research institutes across the country, Impact and widespread visibility. Especially in recent years, under the leadership of editor-in-chief Kang Ping, contemporary magazine magazine devotes itself to the reform of running a journal, continuously improves its quality, accumulates the strength for its participation in the competition in a wider area and in a broader area, Amazing results.
背景和目的子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis, EMS)是指子宫内膜腺体和间质种植在子宫腔以外引起的一种良性疾病。其发病机制至今尚未明了,EMS表现出邻近器官种植和破坏,周围组织
目的:  本研究应用双源双能量CT对疑诊为痛风的患者关节进行扫描,分析其相比其他检查方法(实验室检查,穿刺抽液,MRI)的优势以及影像特点,评估其对痛风的诊断、鉴别诊断价值。  