Finite element method for viscoelastic medium with damage and the application to structural analysis

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linlin0433
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This paper studies the damage-viscoelastic behavior of composite solid propellants of solid rocket motors(SRM).Based on viscoelastic theories and strain equivalent hypothesis in damage mechanics,a three-dimensional(3-D)nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model incorporating with damage is developed.The resulting viscoelastic constitutive equations are numerically discretized by integration algorithm,and a stress-updating method is presented by solving nonlinear equations according to the Newton-Raphson method.A material subroutine of stress-updating is made up and embedded into commercial code of Abaqus.The material subroutine is validated through typical examples.Our results indicate that the finite element results are in good agreement with the analytical ones and have high accuracy,and the suggested method and designed subroutine are efficient and can be further applied to damage-coupling structural analysis of practical SRM grain. This paper studies the damage-viscoelastic behavior of composite solid propellants of solid rocket motors (SRM). Based on viscoelastic theories and strains equivalent hypothesis in damage mechanics, a three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model incorporated with damage is developed The resulting viscoelastic constitutive equations are numerically discretized by integration algorithm, and a stress-updating method is presented by solving nonlinear equations according to the Newton-Raphson method. A material subroutine of stress-updating is made up and embedded into commercial code of Abaqus The material subroutine is validated through typical examples. Our results indicate that the finite element results are in good agreement with the analytical ones and have high accuracy, and the suggested method and designed subroutine are efficient and can be further applied to damage-coupling structural. analysis of practical SRM grain.
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