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美国金属学会热处理学会于2004年陆续公布了“热处理技术发展图?2004修订稿”。全国热处理学会荣誉理事长樊东黎先生分别在《金属热处理》和《热处理》两个刊物上发表了“美国热处理技术发展图概况”和“美国热处理技术发展图在行动”两篇文章,并在全国学会和协会有关会议上介绍了路线图主要内容。我们认为,这是国际热处理界的一件大事,应该引起我们的重视。像美国这样一个世界头号工业大国,从政治、群众团体、直到民间企业都如此看重热处理,花了数年时间才形成了这样一个目标明确、眼光远大、技术先进、内容全面、措施落实、全面行动的长远规划,实在难得。《美国热处理技术路线图》(以下简称“路线图”有很多值得吸取和借鉴的东西,很有必要在行业内进行认真研究讨论。因此,学会秘书处在今年4月15日于重庆召开的常务理事扩大会上针对此路线图进行了讨论。与会者在会上踊跃发言,并在会后认真撰写了书面意见。这些意见对于我国热处理行业的长远发展,很有指导价值。为此本刊从今年7月开始将以论坛的形式陆续发表这些意见,引起更广泛讨论,造成更大影响。因此,也希望广大热处理工作者踊跃发表自己的意见。 American Society for Metals Heat Treatment Society in 2004 published “heat treatment technology development plans? 2004 revised draft.” Mr. Fan Dongli, honorary chairman of the National Heat Treatment Society, published two articles entitled “Overview of Heat Treatment Technology Development in America” ​​and “U.S. Heat Treatment Technology Development in Action” in two publications, “Metal Heat Treatment” and “Heat Treatment” respectively. And introduced the main contents of the road map at the relevant meetings of the National Association of Societies and Associations. We think this is a major event for the international heat treatment community and it deserves our attention. It took several years for such a world-leading industrial power like the United States to value its heat treatment from the political, mass organizations, and private enterprises to such a clear goal, ambitious vision, advanced technology, comprehensive content, full implementation of measures and comprehensive actions Long-term planning, it is rare. “The Roadmap to US Heat Treatment Technology” (hereinafter referred to as the “road map” there are many things worth learning and drawing, it is necessary to seriously study and discuss the industry.Therefore, the Institute Secretariat held in Chongqing on April 15 this year Of the executive director of the enlarged meeting on this road map were discussed.The participants at the meeting to speak actively and carefully written comments after the meeting of these views for the long-term development of China’s heat treatment industry, very instructive value. Since July this year, the publication of these opinions will be published one after another in the form of forums, arousing broader discussions and causing greater impact. Therefore, it is also hoped that the majority of heat treatment workers will actively express their opinions.
地域对古代方言的形成具有非常重要的影响。本文旨在通过分析扬雄《方言》中的古北燕朝鲜方言区的词语,结合历史知识,描绘出古代东北地区的语言影响传播的轨迹。 Geography
在分析大别山东段 (安徽侧 )高山反季蔬菜生产的气候优势和气象条件限制的基础上 ,本着趋利避害的原则 ,就蔬菜生产的安全高度、播种适期、栽培管理等问题进行了探讨。 Base